Pool Noodle

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Naruko's POV

I put my sealing scroll in my bag and looked down at the black and blue Itachi in satisfaction.

"Next time, think twice before you say something to me or else next time I won't be so merciful," I said with a dangerous tone, a glare in my eyes as I did.

"What could possibly be worse than what you just did to me?" Itachi cried.

I smirked and began to laugh evily. I could see Itachi begin to sweat.

"Two words," I started, "pool noodle."

Itachi looked up at me in complete and utter fear. "You wouldn't!"

"Kukuku. I would and you know it," I laughed.

Itachi stared at me for two more seconds and then made a break for it saying, "MOMMY!!! FOX IS GOING TO BRING OUT THE POOL NOODLE! EVERYONE RUN!"

Screams were heard throughout the village and I could've sworn that I saw the Hokage run outside the gates screaming his head off. Huh, I guess I'm pretty far away. I'm sure the Hokage wouldn't do that.

I sweat dropped and scratched the back of my head. I guess I shouldn't walk around with a pool noodle for a while.

I heard a chuckle behind me and I whipped my head around to see the source. I felt a fluttering in my heart and heat rise to my cheeks.

"Haku?" I asked the boy in front of me.

"The one and only," he said cheekily.

I felt a sudden rise of anger and I walked up to the boy and held him by the shirt.

"Where were you all this time, huh?" I yelled getting closer to his face for each word. "I haven't seen you in months!"

Haku held up his hands in attempt to make me calm down. "They took me to Ibiki for a bit of interrogation- the not painful kind! Inoichi took care of it. And then I..," he suddenly stopped.

"And then you what?" I asked angrily. There were literal centimeters between our faces.

Haku looked me straight in the eyes. "I needed to repent for what I have done... I couldn't face you unless I could face myself. I-I like you Naruko..." he said with a slight blush on his face.

Instead of speaking, I leaned in closer... closer... our lips were almost touching, but... let's just say that I am having an unlucky day.

I was pulled back from Haku forcefully and slung over someones' shoulder.

"Sorry, but she's taken," a voice said.

"Says who?" I yelled, trying to look up at the source. "SHINO?!"

"She doesn't look like she wants to be with you," Haku stated angrily.

"Yes she does, why is that? Because she's going to be my girlfriend soon," Shino stated in a monotone voice.

"Hold up. What the heck is going on here?" I questioned trying to get free.

They ignored me.

"Well she isn't going to be your girlfriend because she's going to be mine!" Haku yelled. I felt a harsh blush rise up my neck.

They're... fighting over me?

"Sorry, but she's mine. Why is that? Because I'm the only one good enough for her," Shino stated, his voice slightly rising.

'I've never seen Shino act like this...' I thought to myself, no longer trying to get free. 'Does he really like me this much?'

"There's only one way to settle this," Haku stated.

Shino lifted me up and placed me on the ground in front of him. "Yes there is only one way. Why is that? Because it is the only way."

"Naruko, who do you like?" they said in unison.

"I... um..." I started looking back and forth. "I like..."

"Sorry, but she's mine."

I turned around to the source. It's-

{November 17, 2018}

Thank you Weirdly_Lazy for editing!

Sorry ya'll for the long wait. I've been really busy with volleyball, school, and basketball just started and 2 a days are killer. I hate getting up at 5 am and then practicing right after school. They also told me that I'm going to be on varsity. Fun... (Note the sarcasm). Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the latest chapter and please give me some feedback!

One more thing...

I'm going to ask again since no one did it last time, but I don't mind if you don't do it, but I really need help...

Can someone please give a good description of the book? I want one from a readers p.o.v. 

That's all I have to say. Thanks!

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