Set me up for a date why don't you?

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"I pray, please do tell me what will happen in two months?" The Hokage implored, leaning forward into his seat. I tried to swallow, but it was as if the saliva in my mouth disappeared.

Kakashi took a breath before he broke the news. "Along our way here, Lord Hokage, we heard of plans that may interest you."

"Which are..?"

"To murder the Demon Fox, also known as Naruto Uzumaki," Kakashi explained dully. I just stayed quiet, for once in my Naruto life.

Hiruzen jumped from his seat and slammed his hands on his desk. "That's absurd!"

I flicked my eyes to the right, noticing the ANBU's chakras' spiked a bit. No doubt, they are in on it. I let my eyes slowly draw back to the unknowing Hokage.

"Who in their right mind would defy their Hokages' orders?" the Sarutobi demanded.

Kakashi coughed, obviously well aware of how absurd this really sounded. "The villagers were the ones discussing it, however, we do not know who else is involved."

Hiruzen gestured to me. "And how does he know? Have I trained you to be so unprofessional?"

You could see Kakashi clench his teeth through his mask. "Naruto overheard their conversation along with me... they weren't exactly quiet about it."

The Hokage finally seemed to notice that he was overreacting a bit. He straightened out his robe and let out a slow breath. Then, he sat himself down, and took a long drawl from his pipe. "I apologize for losing my temper, that was highly unprofessional and childlike of me," he apologized.

Kakashi nodded, showing that he didn't take it personally, I just stayed quiet. We all stood in silence for a bit, before Hiruzen spoke again.

"I'll call Jiraiya, and you Naruto, will go on a training mission after the Chunin exams' results and the orientation in a month," Hiruzen stated, letting a stream of smoke flow out of his mouth. I kept quiet and nodded. "Also, Kakashi, I want you to keep a close eye on Naruto and everyone around him. We still don't know who's in on this horrendous plan."

"Yes, Lord Hokage," Kakashi stated quickly, not breaking eye contact.

Hiruzen turned back to me and gave me a warm look. "Is there anything you would like to say, Naruto?"

The image of me poofing into Naruko popped into my head. I began to debate the pros and cons. Pro: It'll be funny. Con: Tsunade will kill me before the villagers can even get a hand on me.

'I dunno Kurama, it's a rough one tonight,' I stated mentally in my game show voice.

"Both the pro and the con are viable, but one must weigh out the other," Kurama replied back in his own game show voice. "And we both know which one that is..."

'Oh, we sure do,' I said, stroking my mental self mustache.

"Nope. For once I got nothing to say old man," I said quietly, quivering in fear at the thought of Tsunade punching me into next year.

The old man gaped at me like I was some alien. "Well, okay then..."

After a few more words between the Hokage and Kakashi-sensei, we finally left the uncomfortable office and back into the bloodthirsty town.

"On next week's episode of Pros and Cons, we'll discuss whether we should stay in the stuffy office where the all powerful Hokage is, but it's super uncomfortable, or stay where the bloodthirsty villagers are who want to kill you, but you're not uncomfortable," Kurama stated in my mindscape.

"Oh, that's a tough one," I replied out loud. Kakashi gave me a weird look.

"Who were you talking too- oh, him..."

"Yup, him," I replied in my normal voice, which was weird since I was in my Naruto form.

Kakashi scratched the back of his neck. "So, do you still need me to hook you up with a boy?"

"Oh, we were serious?" I asked, flabbergasted.

"A ninja never goes back on his word."

I looked at him in shock. "Well, okay then. You can set up dates with any of the boys that I mentioned in our talk " I suddenly stopped and turned beet red; realizing how wrong people's assumptions would be if they heard me. "Well, just don't mention Naruto and boys, and we're good Kakashi-sensei."

"Alright, you're first date will be tonight."

{June 8, 2019}

Sorry for the long wait. I was gonna end this in May, but I got sick and didn't really have the motivation to do it. Sorry. Welp, now it may be a bit longer than planned, but the reader will still get to decide which ending goes. 

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