6 years later...

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Naruto POV

Finally. The exams that determine if you become Genin has arrived. I can finally stop this boredom by going on a mission. Not being in the ANBU sucks.

The villagers have backed off a little as well, which by the way, is a plus.

I sat up in my bed and stretched. Today was October 7th- three days till my birthday. The villagers begin to get even more angry this time of year. They even beat me... but I take it. It's not their fault. They're just taking their anger out on me. It's quite annoying and I just was to pretend to be the kyuubi so that they would back off (and maybe just to see their expressions...maybe), but my happy-go-lucky mask prevents it unfortunately. I can just see it. People running in terror because of the all powerful Naruko- ahem- Naruto Uzumaki was on their tail.

He he. That would teach them.

... Although ... It would be nice if they liked me instead.

Welp, time to get that hideous orange jumpsuit on. What kind of ninja wears orange anyway? I like orange, but its a pretty easy way to get caught... I guess that's what I get for playing deadlast. But ORANGE.

"I told you that it was for your deadlast and happy mask," Kurama said trying to hold back a laugh at how ridiculous she- he looked.

"I'm going to kill you," I muttered under my breath.

"Hey! I heard that!" Kurama growled. I went into my mindscape. I saw him start to grin.

"What's so funny?" I asked semi annoyed.

"I just realized that if I die, you do as well, so you can't threaten me," he said happily.

"Just realized that now, did you?" I said with a yawn.

"Wait... so you knew that you were making empty threats this whole time?" Kurama asked in surprise. The look on his face was hilarious!

"And you just realized it," I deadpanned.

Kurama went to a corner and began to cry saying stuff like, 'I'm so stupid' and 'I can't believe I fell for it.' and 'stupid 11 year old tricking me like that.'

I decided that it was a good time to leave my mind scape. I good still hear him sob in my mind.

He's such a crybaby.


'They call this  a written test!' I thought in disgust as I looked at the questions on the paper. The written test is the first thing that we have to take to see if we can become genin.

'Even a deadlast can get all these right!' I cried internally in shame.

"Shut up Kit," Kurama said grumpily. "I'm trying to sleep."

'For a demon of mass destruction and terror, you sure do sleep a lot.' I retorted.

"Shu-shut up and get like half the answers wrong or something," Kurama said angrily.

'Yeah yeah.' I thought back.

I gave all the questions a barely right or a wrong answer and turned it in. 

Next is the Taijutsu test. I should do fairly better on this one

"Hey Naruto," Sasuke yelled at me. I turned around to face him. "Don't hold back!"

"What are you talking about?" I asked cluelessly.

"I know that you're almost on par with me and Itachi helped you some so you should be better than everyone at this," he said.

'I can't find a reason to almost fail this part...' I thought.

"Keep your deadlast mask on Kit," Kurama warned.

"Ya know, I'm not really that good, believe it..." I said using my (kind of fake) verbal tick. 

"Don't sell yourself short," Sasuke encouraged. "I hope that we can spar together for the test."

"Me too, believe it!" I said pumping my fist in the air. 'That way I can keep the deadlast mask on and lose while still going all out... well in academy terms.' 

"I'll never lose to you because I'm going to be Hokage someday!" I yelled. I inwardly cringed at my volume.

"IDIOT!" I heard someone yell before I got hit on the top of my head by a had. I didn't really hurt, but I'm acting after all.

"What was that for, Sakura?" I wined loudly holding my head.

"Because you were yelling to loud idiot!" she screeched. She went over to Sasuke and grabbed his arm. "Why do you even hang around this deadlast?"

'Ouch.' I thought sarcastically.

"Because he's my friend," Sasuke said defensively.

"Yeah! Believe it!" I yelled. To be honest, he's really the only friend I have besides Kurama and the old man. Maybe even Iruka sensei... but, they don't know the real me. Just the mask and that kind of hurts.

"First up, Naruto vs. Sasuke, and then Kiba vs. Shino!" Iruka yelled. Sasuke and I went into the taijutsu circle. "And start!"


Now it's time for the final test- ninjutsu. Honestly, ninjutsu is my strong point along with taijutsu and sealing. Because of my large chakra reserves, I can make my ninjutsu stronger and I can do it longer.

Sometimes I love being an Uzumaki. To bad that my mom, Kushina, or my dad, Minato, aren't here. They were the masters of sealing Jutsu. I am Master level, but I know that they can teach me more!

"You- You're up," a shy male said. Hina.

"Okay, thanks' Hina," I said to him. (what? I have to give Sasuke some competition, but not yet... they're too young and they have yet to know...)

He ducked his head shyly at the praise. 'If he had a bit more confidence...' but I left my thought at that.

I walked into the room and saw Iruka smiling at me. I noticed Mizuki's absence. "Where's Mizuki?"

"Oh... um, let's just say that he's not coming back," Iruka said dodging the question. I raised an eyebrow at him but I left it. Some stones  should be left unturned. "Okay, so you need to do a Substitution, Transformation, and Clone Jutsu."

I did the first two easily, but with a few flaws. I then made the hand sign for shadow clones and made 3 that all said, "Ramen!"

Iruka just chuckled showing me that he didn't notice that the clones were solid. "You pass." He was smiling widely. "Do you want navy blue or black?"

I want the black, but I already have one at my apartment. "I'll take the navy one, believe it!" I said excitedly.

Iruka chuckled some more and handed me my headband. I walked out with the hugest forced grin on my face. I walked up to my desk and gave Sasuke a fist bump.

"I hope we're on the same team," he said hopefully. 'I hope that I can get promoted to Jonin as fast as possible.'

"Me too, believe it!" I said with fake enthusiasm. Sasuke didn't seem to notice.

This is going to be a long ride.

{June 13, 2018}

The top picture is the name and cover of my new story. It's a good ol' time travel fanfic. If you're into those, go check it out.

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