The Forest of Death

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Is this story getting boring? I feel like it's getting really boring...

Does anybody feel like I should start this from scratch?

I don't like it when people abandon their stories so...

Oh and Volleyball starts next week, so less frequent updates.

Oh and guess what? The drama is going to happen soon. Oh so very soon...

Me, Naruko, Sakura, Kurama, and Sakuke all break down the 4th wall and bow.

"We are sorry about the author's stupid questions," We all say in unison.

"Now Kurama," I start. "Fix the 4th wall."

He scoffed. "Why do I have to?"

"Cause Naruko, Sakura, and Sasuke have to participate in the Chunin exams," I stated.

"And why can't you help me?" Kurama asked raising his eyebrow(?).

I laughed evilly. "Because I control the Chunin exams." I waved my hand in the air and bricks and cement appeared, along with a metal door and keycard. I pocketed the keycard and turned to Kurama. "We break down the fourth wall a lot, so just install that door there after you build the wall."

"Why can't you just wave your hand and fix the fourth wall yourself?" He wined in question.

I gave him a deadpan look. "Cause I don't want to."

"That's no excuse," he wined yet again.

"I also have to watch the Chunin exams on Netflix and use my brain so I can make it go my own way. Now shut up and get to work or else I'll erase you from this story for a while," I said while glaring at him.

He cried anime tears and got to work.

I clapped my hands twice and the story started.

Naruto's POV

"Uh Kurama..." I say to my fox in my mindscape. "Why isn't the story starting?"

"Author-san is looking through Netflix," he replied while rebuilding the 4th wall.

"She has to find Naruto then," I said breathing a sigh of relief.

Kurama grunted. "She got off track..."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN OFF TRACK?" I screamed at him.

"She's watching Sugar Rush... wait, scratch that, she watching Naruto now," He said.

"Oh good," I say and then wait a moment. The story still hasn't started. "I thought you said that she was watching Naruto!"

"She is... wait, she's watching the movie version, I see the title, Naruto Shippuden the Movie: The Will of Fire," Kurama said looking through the fourth wall.

"Stupid author..." I start to say and then the story started up.


A scream was heard throughout the forest, and that one scream let everyone know that the test has begun.

"That sounded like a scream," Sakura inferred. Sasuke and I nodded in agreement. "I don't like this place."

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