5 | R E L A X

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Greatness and beauty do not belong to the gods alone.

~Nigerian Proverb


"I really need this night to go by quickly." I sighed and ran my hands under water, removing any and all traces of makeup that may have gotten on them before officially sliding on the silky blue dress. It had a deep cut going down the valley of my chest— Sanaa suggested that I wore it compared to the other simple silk blue dress I had in mind.

Even after we left from shopping, I begged T'Challa to not let me come in with Erik as his plus one but he didn't buy my begging one bit. I didn't even see Erik for the rest of the day after I left, so I had no clue what he could have been doing; but hopefully he was almost done so we could leave.

I left my braids alone and simply pushed them behind my ears before opening the door to my room, walking around the headquarters to find Erik. Loud American rap was coming from the kitchen, so I instantly knew he was in there.

"Erik, can you hurry up so we can—" I stopped instantly and took in his image. His hair was braided back from when I did it earlier, but he was now in an all black suit with a silk blue patterned scarf that was tied around his neck and draped down to his arm; similar to the red or gold one that T'Challa would occasionally wear.

 His hair was braided back from when I did it earlier, but he was now in an all black suit with a silk blue patterned scarf that was tied around his neck and draped down to his arm; similar to the red or gold one that T'Challa would occasionally wear

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Even through the suit jacket you could tell that his muscles were toned. I'd be lying if I even said that he didn't look amazing.

"Like what you see, sweetheart?" He smirked, breaking me from my thoughts. I looked him up and down once more before rolling my eyes at him.

"I'm not gonna be an asshole and say that you don't clean up well, because you're obviously capable of doing it."

He chuckled and me and ran his hand across his chin. "I can easily say the same about you, sweetheart. You look... fine as hell; I'm not gonna bullshit you." His eyes stayed on me and I could feel my heartbeat increase and my face warm up.

" His eyes stayed on me and I could feel my heartbeat increase and my face warm up

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