19 | P A I N

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Rain does not fall on one roof alone.
- African Proverb



The very last thing I was expecting to see when I woke up was Mbali still being there... but the furthest thing I was expecting to see was her ass straddling me and looking down at me like a nigga was sprouting wings or some shit.

Her eyebrows were scrunched together and her hands were against my chest but she didn't look mad, she looked confused. I groaned and ran my hand against my face before looking back at her and seeing her face soften a little bit... but she was still out of line for having me wake up in this position.

"What... are you... fucking... doing?" I raised my eyebrow and looked at her. "Do you even know what time it is right now Mbali? It's—" I turned my head to look at the clock that was next to us. She was really playing games right now. "Mbali... it's too damn early to be up right now. It's six in the morning and you're over here looking down at me like I shot your damn rhino." I groaned cause I knew here was no way in hell I was going back to sleep now.

She still didn't say anything, she just looked at me. "You mute now?"

Still nothing.






Even though her eyes were on me, after I called her that it was like she was actually looking at me this time— not through me. "Hmm?" She raised her eyebrow. I sighed and sat up in the bed and pushed myself against the headboard, holding her still so she wouldn't fall off of me even though we were on the bed.

"What are you doing up this early?"

"I couldn't sleep." She shook her head and bit her bottom lip. I looked down and noticed that she must've been up for a while since she had her bra back on cause I didn't remember her putting it on before I fell asleep.

"So... you decide to watch a nigga sleep? Nah. Somethings up and you not telling me." I yawned. She rolled from off of me and laid back on the side of the bed that she was on.

"I'm just confused, I couldn't sleep... it's a lot going on in my head right now." She ran her hands against her hair but looked out the window before looking back at me. "Can I— never mind." She instantly shit down whatever she was thinking and dragged her thumb against her lips.

"Look," I cleared my throat. "You better tell me now while I'm partially alert cause I'm a few more minutes a nigga is gonna try and go back to sleep cause you gotta train in three more hours and I gotta meet with the elders in three hours."

I didn't have to look at her to hear it but her heart rate increased so fast that it caught me off guard. I raised my eyebrow and turned to look at her only for her to move from where she was and push me back against the headboard by my shoulders and straddle me again.

Raising my eyebrow at her, my hands quickly went back to my favorite spot on her body: Her thighs. One thing I learned about women is that they all have specific spots where if you touched them there, they melted. Mbali's thighs weren't one of them, but I knew that whenever I pulled her towards me by them, she would get excited. She quickly pressed her lips against mine and ran her small hands across my beard before going back up to my hair. She caught me off guard at first, but I'd be damn if I turned her down. Especially after what happened a few hours ago between us.

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