13 | S K I N TO S K I N

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The most dangerous thing a man needs is woman.
~ Somali Proverb



"For Mr and Mrs. Udaku, from King T'Challa." A woman came to our door, rolling in a cart of food and mother filled with clothes. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Thank you, but we're not—"

"Thanks, Love." He smirked at her and her cheeks turned red. She was a young girl, probably twenty or twenty one

"Y-you're welcome." She stuttered and walked back slowly towards the elevator. I turned and looked up at Erik, crossing my arms.

"What?" He frowned.

"Take the damn carts inside." I pushed one towards him and rolled my eyes, grabbing the cart with the clothes I closed the door behind me and went to sit on the couch. He chuckled and sat on the couch across from me.

Sanaa called earlier to tell us how her watching the headquarters was going and how bored she was before checking up on me to make sure I didn't lose my mind yet. Erik grabbed his plate from the cart and started eating while I grabbed one of the apples from the fruit basked and started to look at the clothes that were brought in. They weren't basic clothes like jeans and stuff, it was multiple dresses that had my name on the tags and a few tuxedos that had Erik's name on them; but his Wakandan name.

As soon as I was about to question why they came, the kimoyo beads on my wrist went off. "I was just about to call you." I put my hand on my hip.

"Great minds think alike." T'Challa chuckled. "Did everything get to your room?"

"Yeah... wanna explain to me why everything is very... dressy? And why I'm getting addressed as Mrs. Udaku, King?" I raised my eyebrow and Erik walked over to see T'Challa's face too.

"Yeah, cause the last time I checked, I wasn't married." He interjected.

"The vibranium is at a dinner auction that's going on. Everyone there is going to be auctioning pieces of artwork for a charity, and when we tracked the vibranium; it's at the same location. You both need to play the role to be able to get it and get out." He said in a matter-of-fact tone like something like this was normal.

"You just can't let me have a break, can you?" I chuckled bitterly.

"You both have everything you need on the carts that were brought in. Mbali, Nakia and Sanaa picked out a few dress options for you to choose from— they mentioned your obsession with silk." He smirked.

At least one thing could go my way.

"So what happens when we get the vibranium? We take it and go?" Erik asked, looking through his options.

"Exactly. If it goes smoothly; you could always stay and mingle. Get to know a few people or even auction. Just make sure the vibranium gets back here safe when you both return on Monday. You have enough days left there to enjoy yourselves. Just remember your jobs and don't do anything to draw too much attention to yourselves." He nodded before ending the call. Great. Just great.

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