6 | H E A D A C H E

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To cut off the head is no remedy for the headache.
~ African Proverb

"So... are we gonna talk about it, or keep walking around like nothing happened?" Sanaa smirked at me and stirred the straw that was in her drink. I ran my fork over the eggs that were on my plate as we sat in her kitchen. I couldn't even make eye contact with her because if I did, she would keep trying to get into my head.

"Nope. We're not gonna talk about it." I shrugged and continued to eat.

"So you're really gonna sit here and act like my own boyfriend didn't catch you two fucki—"

"He didn't almost catch anything!" I cut her off. "It was a simple kiss, let's not make it into something bigger than that." I groaned and ran my hands against my face. Really, it wasn't a simple kiss— but it didn't lead to us sleeping together.

"Well then tell me what happened! Cause according to M'Baku, Erik had you up against the wall and your legs were wrapped around him... should I continue, or do you wanna explain?" She laughed at me when I glared at her. I sighed heavily and rubbed my temples with my fingers, trying to gather my own thoughts.


"This tea better be good because you both left without even telling anyone."

I rolled my eyes at her and pushed my plate away. "We were dancing and it just got a little overdone. So I joked about him not being able to keep up, and he made a comment about wanting to take me into some room in the palace and make me his—" Sanaa dramatically grabbed her chest and out her hand on her forehead.

"This is a little better than I was expecting." She whined.

"Calm yourself down. Anyway, I got— um... him saying that was just—"

"It turned you on, Mbali. He had you ready to risk it all— okay, my bad. Continue."

"I left to get another drink and he just walks up to me and plants a kiss on my neck. It caught me off guard so I broke a glass in my hand. He took me to the bathroom to fix it up and just kept talking about what would happen if he actually kissed me.." I chewed at the inside of my lip and took a sip of my water.

Sanaa's eyes were huge, "And he kissed you?"

"No..." I winced, knowing that as soon as I told her she was going to act a fool.

"You... kisses him?"

I nodded my head and a loud scream came out of her mouth. She clearly forgot that I still have a headache from everything that happened that night. "I know I hate his ass, but I cannot believe you kissed him! I was wondering where you two disappeared off to. So what happened after that?"

"Why don't you ask your boyfriend who barged into the bathroom because he had to pee? He was present." I smiled sarcastically and watched as she took a sip from her straw, pulling it out of her glass, and shot the water out at me, hitting my shirt.

"Don't blame Baku, unless you didn't want it interrupted. What happened afterwards?"

"After 'Baku' came in and looked shocked and apologized constantly from the outside of the door, Erik just kept smirking at me and kissed me again. At that point I was ready to go home— not to do that. I wanted to go to sleep. It was a long night and everything that happened that night mixed with the drinks took a toll on me, so we left. The ride back was hella awkward because he just kept smirking and watching me. So as soon as we got back, I went into my room and stayed there. I had to sneak out this morning so that he wouldn't see me and try to talk about it!"

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