28 | J A N E L L E

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Sorrow may sadden your face but it sharpens your understanding.

~ African Proverb



"Can you move any faster?! I don't think you need to get over dressed, Erik." I groaned and crossed my legs under my body, massaging my temples while he was still in the bathroom. I tried hard to keep my thoughts clear this entire day so that I wouldn't give anything away. I was nervous and he knew it, but I wouldn't tell him why and possibly spoil the surprise.

"You want me to walk around wherever it is you're taking me, with my dick out? Cause you keep rushing me, that's how I'm leaving; and you better not say shit." He yelled back. "And I only been in the bathroom for three minutes— you decided to wake up early and get ready, now you wanna rush somebody."

I rolled my eyes and tapped my hands against my knees. It wasn't like we had reservations or a specific time to be there, but I just wanted him to get the time. I grabbed the remote to the TV and started flipping through the channels, eventually landing on some documentary that they were doing on rap music. A few of the songs were ones I would hear Erik play from time to time, so I knew a few of them.

I pulled my hair up into a high ponytail and tightened the strings to the white hoodie that I was wearing just to give me something to do while I waited for him to hurry up. And almost on cue, he finally walked out of the bathroom and towards the bed, sitting on the edge of it. He was dressed in all black— not like it was anything new, aside from the beanie that he kept on his head because of the rain today.

 He was dressed in all black— not like it was anything new, aside from the beanie that he kept on his head because of the rain today

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"So where you taking me?"

"I'm still not telling you— you have to put this on, also." I stuffed my hand into the pocket of the hoodie and pulled out the black blindfold. "Please." He looked from the blindfold to me and smirked. "This is nothing sexual— just put it on."

Smacking his lips, he took it from my hand and held it in his. "Wait— so that meant you have to drive, and you don't know your way around here."

"That's why they make GPS systems in phones now. Now, stop bitching and put it on." I huffed. "Give me the keys."

"See, what you're about to stop doing is spending so much damn time around Sage, cause you've been telling me to stop bitching for two days straight now." He dropped the keys in my hand and pulled the blindfold on. "Come on."

I grabbed his hand and walked him towards the from door that lead us to the hallway. Before I could even reach it, I felt him squeeze my butt, making me turn and slap his hands away. "My bad, I slipped." He lied. "I thought it was your shoulder."

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