27 | L A N G U A G E S

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Let your love be like the misty rain, coming softly but flooding the river.

~ Liberian Proverb



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"What's going on?" Sage asked Mbali as they sat in the large fenced in backyard that belonged to Erik and Y'lans friend from M.I.T. The weather in California was fitting for a small get together among all the friends, so they all found themselves there catching up.

The four of them showed up to the house thirty minutes ago and Sage and Mbali continued to talk while the two meet went around to say hi. But that wasn't why Sage asked the question that made Mbali raise her eyebrow. "With?" Sage sent a smack to her exposed knee. "It's a genuine question!" Mbali groaned and shewed Sage's hand away, running the stinging area.

"You know what the hell I'm talking about." She whispered, as if they were surrounded by listening ears. "You and Erik. He's been sending looks over here at you since we came in— and he's making it obvious that he's checking up on you. Don't make it obvious, but look over at him; he's by the grill."

Mbali sighed and pretended to knock her purse from her lap on accident. As she bent down to pick it up, she knew Sage was right. Even though he had sunglasses on, she could tell he was looking in her direction.

He would nod his head and talk to his friends, but his eyes would always land back on her, making sure no one was irritating her or simply bothering her in any way possible

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He would nod his head and talk to his friends, but his eyes would always land back on her, making sure no one was irritating her or simply bothering her in any way possible. The only thing that was confusing her, was that he wasn't communicating with her mentally, so she had no clue what was really going on in his head.

They talked this morning and while they got ready though. She figured he was playing games with her because she never answered his question from yesterday, and he knew that when he kept things short with her, it only made her clingier towards him. But she refused to give him that advantage today.

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