The First Night

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Pidge's POV



Darkness. The air was heavy. And I felt dizzy.

"Katie!" I heard a distant voice call out.

I felt a shiver, I let out a breath and saw it, like smoke from a newly lit cigarette. Cold.

"Katie!!" I whip my head towards the direction of the voice, yet it feels like I hear it everywhere.

Then I saw it.

It was so far away, even so, I can still make out of it.

My dad was on his knees, his eyes were bloodshot, his whole body was trembling.

"Katie!" He called out.

"D-Dad..?!" I cry out to him, yet not a sound was heard from me.

"Run! Get out of here!!"

Then, out of nowhere, a robot sentry that was holding a gun appeared behind him.



"Dad!!" I jolted from my bed. Shaking, sweating and... Crying?

My heart was racing, and it hurt. It felt difficult to breathe.

"Another nightmare" I thought.

After calming myself down, I learned how to breathe again. "It was just a nightmare, you know, Dad's on earth, and he's safe" I scolded myself.

Except it was the seventh time this week.

I looked at the watch Matt gave me, it was 2:27am, Earth time.

I swept my feet off the bed, and put on my green lion slippers. I stood up, stretched, and proceeded to head out of my room. Ever since my 3rd nightmare, I would always wake up at this hour, and I've gotten used to it.

I dragged my feet, lazily, but straight towards the control room. The door to the control room slid open, it was dark, yet the stars illuminated some parts of the room. I went inside, as the door shut itself behind me. I sat on the floor, in front of the huge window where Allura looks out to see where we're going, and also Coran, who mans the control panels of the castle ship.

I heaved out a long sigh, but I jolted a bit when I heard a loud clang of metal, the door behind me sliding open, yet I paid no attention to it and kept my gaze forward. I heard light footsteps behind me approaching, then it stopped.

"Pidge..?" A familiar soft voice called out.

And it was none other, than my best friend Lance.

"Hm..?" I hummed in response, looking at the stars interestingly, as if I don't see it everyday.

I felt him sit next to me. "So.. What cha' up to?" He asked curiously.

"..Mmm. Just lookin' at stars.." I replied to him. I heard him sigh. "..What about you..?. Don't you need your beauty rest?" I questioned him, adding the last part sarcastically.

"You see.. Too much of something is bad for you." He answered.

"You mean sleep?" I asked with a laugh, while turning my head to look at him. "No no. I meant beauty." Then he gave me a smirk, with a smug look in his eyes. Oh Voltron. "Uhuh." I replied as I rolled my eyes at his smugness.

"Sorry just trying to lighten up the mood." He apologized. It was silent before he spoke again. "So what's the real reason you're awake?"

Then it came back to me, seven straight nightmares in a week. "Umm.. Nightmares. Heh." I said with a chuckle, trying to make it sound like a joke. I didn't even notice a tear escape from my eye when I felt a finger brush my cheek. For some reason I couldn't hold back anymore, after a tear, came another and then another.

I tried to pull my self back together, I felt weak. And crying in front of my best friend, what must he think of me? I suddenly felt arms wrap around me, pulling me to the side. It felt suprisingly comfortable, that I didn't notice I was already leaning to it.

Lance was hugging me.

Once I stopped crying, Lance was still hugging me, his head placed on top of mine. "Lance..?" I called to him. "Yeah?" He replied. "Sorry for keeping you up, you can go back to your room now." I told him trying to release myself from his embrace, which I suprisingly don't want to get out off for some reason. He let me go and I went back to where I was sitting before.

I turned my head to look at him, he had a concerned look in his eyes. I gave him a smile, then he sighed. "You asked earlier why I was up, right?" He asked, I nod in response.

"For the past few days I couldn't sleep, I felt... Homesick." He said sadly. I placed my hand on his arm, my thumb brushing back and forth to comfort him. "I just-" His voice cracked, then he cleared his throat. He gave me a sad smile to cover what he was feeling, yet I can see right throught it.

"Wanna come sleep in my room?" He suggested. That would feel awkward considering they know- "I know you're a girl now- I mean you've always been a girl, I just- uh.." He stuttered. Why is he stuttering? That's highly unusual of him. I raised an eyebrow at him, telling him to continue.

He cleared his throat and said. "Back at the garrison we would have sleepovers, I mean you would sleepover at me and Hunk's room..."

"Yeah, I miss those days. We'd watch horror movies til dawn and you'd always freak out whenever you have to go to the bathroom alone, you'd always pull me with you to go." I said while laughing. "Yeah, sorry about that. If only I knew... You never really told me your real name.."

"Oh, it's best you don't know.. Let's go." I said while standing up, I gave Lance a hand, but bluffed it and he ended up falling on his butt again. I laughed, then he did.

We went to his room, laid on the bed, one body apart from each other. We fell asleep. But before I slept, I thought.

He should never find out that I'm Katie Holt, the girl who helped him pass his test to become a fighter pilot.


The pic up there is my art 💯

-H.W. aka AweeWoee (Art Name)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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