Chapter 12

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Few months later...


"Bye mommy!" Jas ran up and hugging me tight as if I was leaving forever.

"Bye pumpkin!m." I hugged her back kissing her forehead.

We let go of each other has Junior, and Q was looking at us. I walked over to Junior hugging him as well, as we exchange our I love you's. I kissed Quincy as I rubbed his left cheek.

"You be careful out there in California, call me when you land" He said looking serious wrapping his arms around me.

Since he wasn't going with me, he was very overprotective.

"I promise I will." I smiled.

I hugged everyone one last time before heading on the plane, as I boarded the plane I felt relieved to finally getting out of Georgia for a few days, to relax in Cali.

I hugged everyone one last time before heading on the plane, as I boarded the plane I felt relieved to finally getting out of Georgia for a few days, to relax in Cali

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Just when I was about to put my phone on air plane mode I got a message. Looking down at my phone I blushed.

Christopher- I just boarded my plane, can't wait to see you in Cali. 😘

I smiled putting my phone on airplane mode, laying back looking out the window. The reason I was going to Cali because we finally got our project party for Chris to show his graffiti work which I was excited about.

I kind of wanted some alone time with Chris, if we speak it was only about business nothing more, because I already slept with both Chris and Mr. Harris, it's quite weird.


I made it to my hotel, relieved I was tired as hell I had to get ready for the party tonight. I laid down, texting Q letting him know I landed so he won't worry about me.

I sat my belonging on my bed, then I heard a knock on my door, I sighed going to answer it to see Mr. Harris looking at me smiling.

"Hello Jennifer, I was checking to see if you made it to you room." He said eyeing me up and down.

"Yeah, I made it fine thank you for checking on me." I said pushing me hair behind my ear.

"No problem, I'll see you at the party?" He said pointing at me walking off.

"You bet." I said loud enough so he could hear me, closing my door.

We haven't talked much about the night we had sex about a month ago, it's just been business which really didn't bother me because I rather keep it this way.

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