Mr. Harris, and I were sitting together as we ate our food, it was kind of awkward.
"Jennifer great job on this event, and I want to give you props." He said smiling at me.
"Thank you." I said taking a bite of my omelet.
"I want to promote you, and give you a raise." He bluntly said.
"Yes I want to promote you to be my assistant basically my right hand, have a bigger office next to me, and also I know you only make $75 a hour now, but as my assistant you will be making $150 a hour, so that is $22,500 a month that doesn't even include your commission from clients."
I looked at him shocked, it's a fantastic offer I couldn't pass this up, but is this just to get closer to me just to have business, and pleasure.
"Thank you so much, but I don't know." I said shrugging my shoulders.
"Why not?" He said confused.
"It's great don't get me wrong, but we not going to sit here like we haven't talked about what happen a month ago." I said bluntly.
He sighed, putting his hands up on the table putting them together.
"I know it may be uncomfortable working close to me, but this is not a way for us to be closer, because we both know it was a mistake. I apologize for leading you on." He said looking sincere.
"Ok...thank you I will take that offer." I smiled getting up pushing my chair in.
"Great!" He got up as well reaching his hand out, I shook his hand.
Back At Hotel
"Hey auntie baby!" I cooed to Kayla as she showed me her cute baby bump.
"Girl bye with your fake ass, all in Cali." She said rolling her eyes.
"I am so sorry I been so busy, lately but I'll make it up to you." I said flipping my hair.
" Anyways, how is Cali? "
"It's great actually." Smiling thinking about Chris.
"Bitch what the hell, you been doing in Cali?" She said raising her eyebrow.
"Well I was hanging out with C-"
"What the fuck you mean hanging with Chris?"
I wanted to tell her more but I do not want anyone to judge me, yes I was feeling him but I knew sooner or later I will have to cut it off with him.
"Now why would you do that, and you know he likes you, then he's going to think you leading him on, are you and Q having issues?"
I sighed, "No we just went downtown, and talked nothing more."
"Ok friend." She said shaking her head.
"I love you." I said sticking my tongue out.
" I love you too hoe enjoy the rest of your trip. " she smiled.
I hung up sighing, I knew she was right but I was going to cut him off, I don't know when but it was going to be soon.
"Why did you promote her ass, now you going to be closer to that bitch!" Layla yelled at me.
I was really sick of her shit, ever since I have hired Jennifer she feels as if I picked her because she is gorgeous woman even though she is married, but the more she bugged me about her I start to notice how attractive she was. That's why that night we had sex, I was just tired of Layla accusing me. I knew it was a mistake but I kept it from her because I knew she would have a fit.
"Calm down damn, you know she is best I have as a employee, you are being petty as fuck about this."