Chapter 15

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"Daddy!" I heard Jasmine yelled, I sighed getting up to go check on her, ever since Jennifer been gone I appreciate her more, because these kids were driving me nuts.

I walked into her room to see her pouting with her arms cross, I looked to see Junior on the tablet that they share together.

"Daddy, Junior won't give me the tablet!" She looked at me pointing at Junior. She reminds me so much of Jennifer it is crazy.

"Daddy she been on it all day!" Junior mugged her, continuing to playing on the tablet.

I sighed, "Princess let Junior play on the tablet for a while."

I seen she looked at me, as if she was getting red.

"Jas you have to share." I walked over to her, as I leaned over and kissed her forehead walking out the room, going back to the bedroom, grabbing my phone to see I haven't had any text from Jennifer all day, I know she was having fun, but it's not like her not to check on us.

Maybe I am just over reacting, I sighed getting up so I could get the kids ready for bed.


"Go deeper baby." Jennifer whispered in my ear as I shoved my large manhood further inside her.

After we got done exploring the town, we went back to my hotel, and one thing lead to another, I been craving her all day, and I needed to be inside her, I know she wanted it to.

As I continue to please her, I felt myself about to cum, we wanted each other so bad I forgot to wear a condom so I had to made sure I pulled out, but at this rate I didn't care, I always had sex with her with a condom but this is my first time without one and it felt amazing.

"Fuck." I said, as she was leaving soft kisses on my neck. I was about to cum but she continue to hold me tighter against her.

"Fuck me baby just like that." She moaned, I quickly got off her as I pulled out cumming on her stomach. I looked at her as she smirked as if she didn't mind at all.

"My bad hold on." I walked to the bathroom, running a bath for her to clean her self off.

I went back to the bedroom picking her up bridal style, kissing her forehead taking her to the bathroom, I putting her on the counter, to turn off the water for her to get in.

"Get cleaned up, I'll wait on you in the room." I smirked walking out the bathroom, taking a seat on the bed to see I got a missed call from Mya, I sighed, getting up heading outside of the room into the hall way I didn't want Jennifer to hear me talking to her to ruin the mood.

On the first ring, she answered I could hear her moaning in the background.

"Hey daddy." I heard her say as if she was pleasing herself.

"Mya what the hell are you doing?"

"I want you so bad Chr-ahhh!"

I made a stank face, she never done nothing like this before and it was weird as fuck I wasn't into the phone sex anyway.

"Mya stop."

"Ahhh baby, I want you-"

"STOP!" I semi-yelled cutting her off, this is getting ridiculous.

"What is your problem?!" She yelled.

"Why are you doing this for, to get my full attention or something?"

It was silence for a few moments, "Fuck you Chris." As she hung up.

I shook my head going back into the room, I am not in the mood for her mood swings I came here to enjoy myself not be arguing with her, we not even together.

I took a seat on the bed, I heard a phone go off assuming it was mine, but I looked over to see it was Jen's. I shrugged it off, I am not going to check her phone we not together, and she doesn't owe me anything, but if she was fucking with another nigga I can't lie I would be in my feelings because I was feeling her.

She walked out the bathroom, butt naked walking over to me kissing me a few times.

"I heard you on the phone everything ok?"

"Yeah, my ma called checking in on me, and I think someone texted you" I smiled, kissing her again.

"Oh ok." She walked over to her phone checking it.


I got two text, from Quincy, and Mr. Harris. Quincy was checking on me as usually I haven't talked to him all day, I will hav to call him tomorrow, but Mr, Harris was texting my asking to go out for brunch we needed to talk business.

I knew it had to be more, but I will take his offer.

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