Chapter 19

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"Do you want me to talk to him?" Murr asked me, with a worrying look.
"No its fine. Ill have a word" i replied.

I carefully opened up the front door to see Sal,sat on the steps outside in the light, drizzly rain. I slowly sat next to him and he looked the opposite way to where i was looking.
"Are you okay?" I asked him.
"Yeah, i just saw you kissing my best friend but sure im fine!" He sarcastically replied, rolling his eyes.
"Well I must have been somewhere else because I wasn't kissing him" i said. Sal just rolled his eyes again. "I honestly wasn't. He gave me a hug because i was upset about you" i explained.
"Upset about me? Why??" Sal asked.
"Well for one, your treating me like a guest and you didn't bother to tell me you were going out-" i said.
"-so i need your permission?" He said.
"No but" i began.
"No no its fine. Im not aloud to have a life" he sulked.
"You are. Its just you said you would spend time with me" i said.
"But i want to spend time with my mates too" he said.
"And that fine but-" i began again.
"Look i get it. I cant hang out with anyone other than you!" He sulked. "Just leave me alone!" I said, facing the other way. I stood upon he step in front of him. As you can imagine, my anger was even higher now.
"Ive bent over backwards to be with you. Ive had to change my home, my career and i done it all for you! Ive fought to be with you!!! Maybe you should appreciate what you have got!" I shouted. He looked up at me with sorrow. "You should appreciate it whilst its here because im not sure if i want to stick around with you anymore!" I shouted. I began to storm off down the street.
"Where are you going?" Sal shouted. "You don't know your way around here!" He shouted.
"Why do you care!" I shouted running off.

I got further down the street and kept turning corners not knowing where i was gong. As much as i hated to admit it Sal had a point.. I had no idea where to go. I was quite scared. It was pitch black, quite a scary looking. I was stood under a lamppost which wasn't working. That was until i felt someone's arms around my waist. I turned around in fear and couldnt help but release a warm smile when i saw it was Sal, but on my smile faded.
"What are you doing here" I asked him.
"Im so sorry. I dont deserve someone as beautiful, funny and the most adorable person on this earth. You should leave me, but im going to fight for you just like you fought for me" he explained.
"How did you know where i was??" I asked.
"I followed you just in case you got lost" he explained. "Please take me back. Come home. I" he said. Sudden the lamppost above us lit up.
"I love you too" i said tohim with a smile. "And im sorry. I didnt mean what i said" i added.
Suddenly the lamppost lit up as Sa pulled me in close and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. He placed his hand on my waist, as i rested my head on his shoulder as we walked hom. No matter what i said- i loved him with all my heart.

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