Chapter 3

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AN: please please please give me some feed back :) i hope you like it, sorry if its abit short....Love you guys <3 -LilMissBobear

Chapter 3

I just sat in class until everyone had left.

When Louis walked out the door he stopped and asked me,

“You know the bell has gone four eyes” this was funny cause he finally thought of something new other than ‘the devils assistant’.

“Finally thought of something new?”

“Umm what?” I swear sometimes he should be in the sped class

“You know the ‘devils assistant’ you didn’t call me that. You finally thought of something new to pick on me with.”

“Yer I did, I thought you told me to….you’re really messed up the brain aren’t you.?” I just rolled my eyes and he skipped away, that boy is so weird

Honestly I didn’t think about my glasses, I actually forgot about them cause I wear them at home, I just like to wear my contacts at school so it doesn’t give people more to bully me about. But hey I don’t care about what anyone thinks about me anymore.

I waited 5 minutes after Louis walked out of the classroom before I left, cause hopefully everyone was already in class so I didn’t have to see anyone.

Thankfully no one was outside, well except the people who had frees. I walked over to my locker, which was sadly was two down from Harry’s and Harry and his mates where of course at his locker, I was about to turn around but my back was hurting form my bag filled with my textbooks and my laptop and I was also carrying my books. I decided to just go over there act like they’re not there. I walked over to my locker and I started putting my stuff in my bag when I heard Niall come over and stand next to me,

“hey hot stuff, you got a free too? You should chill with us bub?” he turned around after saying it and all the boys were laughing except Harry who had a sympathetic look on his face. This kinda pissed me off.

“yer I do have a free, but no sorry I can’t hang out with you, hot stuff like me don’t hang out with freaks like you, bye”  I said before shutting my locker and picking up my laptop and walking away. It felt so good saying that, I kinda giggled when I walked away and I turned around quickly and their faces were priceless, and Harry was laughing his head off, Niall looked a little hurt. I just looked back to where I was walking and just walked over to the seats outside.

“Sorry about my friends before” I heard a boy say, I turned around to see it was Harry

“Nah its ok, you don’t have to look out for me I’m a big girl I can take care of myself, I am fighting a brain tumour and kicking its but! I think I can handle your special friends” he laughed a little at this

“Well I just wanted to say it was really funny for the way you stood up to Lindsey and Lou, both of their faces were priceless. Oh and Niall just then. Priceless!” I laughed a little at this

“well yer I felt that I don’t have to put up with this shit anymore so I thought I’d say something and it felt pretty good. And the one with Niall was just for fun and yer it sure was fun”

“well I better go before the boys see I came over to you not go to the toilets to check my hair, bye Am’” that was really weird, he has been acting all weird all day, I think there is something up with this boy at the moment

I was not disturbed for about 20 minutes then I felt a water balloon hitting be in the back of my head soaking my bandana, I knew it would be a bad idea to sit outside.

I just rolled my eyes and got up grabbed my laptop, phone and Ipod and walked away. I walked into the library, but I got stopped at the door by the librarian telling me I was too wet to enter to library. I sighed and walked away. I walked until I found an empty classroom, it took me about 10mins before I found one but when I did I ran into it and sat down, I felt good to know that nothing is gonna happen cause they don’t go inside during their frees.

I decided to check my Facebook and twitter since I had nothing to do as I finished all my work I had to catch up on at home and at hospital, cause it was kinda boring at home and there.

All over Facebook was photos of my without my bandana, and some where really mean, but there were a lot with people saying good stuff about me going on so strong and having the faith to go to school with what’s going on, these made me so happy.

I got on twitter and the same stuff was going on but a lot more of it was people saying good stuff and I even had a worldwide trend about me, it was ‘#staystongAm’  I didn’t realize how many people like me I mean I did have 3,000 followers but still, there was another one that was only trending in the UK it was about Lindsey, it’s pretty funny it was ‘Lindsey must die the skanky bitch’ I started laughing my head off but I didn’t realize how loud I was until Harry, yes Harry I think he has a tracker on me or something, yer anyway Harry came in asking what was so funny.

I just kept laughing and pointed at my computer and then he went and looked at what I was laughing at and he started laughing at it too, than we were disturbed by Louis calling out, “Have you found the four eyed freak yet Hazza? The cake is getting hard to carry.” I just looked at Harry with pure fear in my face, Harry noticed and covered my mouth with his hand and called out, “nope I have looked in the spare rooms and I can’t find her, that slut is gonna get it when we find her.” I started to made a weird noise and Harry looked at me and made a shh noise and called out to Louis again,

“I’m in a spare room I’ll be out in a second and we can’t look together”

“Ok Hazz I’ll go to the cafeteria than we can’t find the freak together, meet me in the cafeteria?”

Harry just stood there in a shh position until he could tell he was gone, than he looked at me and whispered, “I think you should go hide in the library I’ll get rid of him, I will make sure you don’t get that cake, I’ll walk you to the library and then go to the cafeteria and get rid of the cake, ok?” I nodded than looked at him and said

“Harry why are you being so nice, any other time you would have got him to cake me, but why are you acting so different, why?”

“Well I say how angry I make you this morning so I decided to myself that I don’t want to be that person any more, but don’t get use to this, we still aren’t friends.” he whispered to me, and I realized he hasn’t really changed he just isn’t being a total dick, but he is still a dick.

He grabbed by hand and ran out of the classroom with my hand in his, I admit this felt so weird but I like it...what I liked it! Omg what has gotten into me it’s Harry, Harry Styles the dick that makes you act like you’re friends in front of your Family or he’ll let Louis cover you in whip cream in front of the whole school.

But we ran together and next minute Louis was standing in front of us with a peanut cream cake in his hand and an evil smirk on his face, I stopped in my tracks and let go of Harry’s hand,

“why thank you Harry for bringing me the freak, care for some desert Amiliea ?” I screamed

“Stop I’m allergic to pea-” I was cut off by the cake being cucked at my face, I finished my sentence but a bit different this time I felt my glasses smash by the force Louis used.

“Fuck I’m allergic to peanuts, Harry get me to the office please” next thing I knew I started fainting my vision was already blurry cause Louis broke my glasses.

I could hear harry screaming at Louis and Louis just starting running around screaming something, next minute I felt two muscly arms around me pick me up, I opened my eyes a little to see who it was and I saw Harry, and I heard him say something “shh its ok I’ll get you to the nurse, just breathe” I didn’t even realize I wasn’t breathing properly then I fainted again.

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