Chapter 9

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AN: I am so extreamly sorry for taking so damn long to update, i had lost my computer, like my mum took it away from me, then i wasnt allowed on the internet, and im not suspostu be on it now, i kinda just snuck on it...oh and i am also posting this story on Quotev cause i can go on it at school and update more, so if you think this is taking to long for me to update check: and i might have updated on there...sorry this is so long guys, here is the next chapter. Love you guys xx -LilMissBoBear

Chapter 9

Amiliea’s POV

It’s been two hours now and I have explained everything to Harry, from the day he found me to why I ran away today, so yeah, EVERYTHING. He just sat there, not saying anything, not moving, the only movement is his chest moving from him breathing.

I put my head down and more tears started to fall, cause the worst part about all of this is that I truly like Harry, I really do and I’m just pushing myself away because my life at the moment feels like when you blowing up a balloon, everything is going fine and according to plan but then BAM the balloon explodes, I’m just waiting for the balloon to explode because at this very moment in time my life is too good, it’s too clique. My thoughts were disturbed by the feel of warm hands against my chin pulling my head up, I looked up into Harry’s red eyes, he had been crying. He grabbed my waist and got me to stand up and he was looking down on me and he spoke magical words

“Amiliea I promise you, I truly like you and I have for a long time, I will do everything in my power to keep you safe, babe I would even take a bullet for you, I would do anything and everything to keep you safe, because Amiliea, I Love You” I stood there in shock, his words ‘I Love You’ just kept replaying over and over again in my head, I got up on my tippy toes and put my ice cold lips against his warm magical lips, he cupped my face with his hand and I put my arms around his neck, 1. To deepen to kiss and 2. To hold me up properly as I was a short ass. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance which I granted letting him deepen the kiss. As we both pulled back at the same time as we had run out of air, he lent his forehead against mine and I whispered so he could hear

“I love you too” cause now I have realized I truly did, and I think that is why I was so freaked out, because I truly had feelings for this boy and I was scared he didn’t back and I just truly made a fool of myself.


It has been two weeks since the me running away drama, it is all sweet now, and I am even hanging out with them, one problem…. I don’t really hang out with Harry, I hang out with my new bestie Niall, it’s good having someone like Niall, he is quite and a great listener mainly cause he is eating all the time and can’t talk, but still no one ever listens to what I say so I’ll take what I get

“Hey Hazza can we stop in at Nandos I promised Niall I would get him something on the way to school” I say to Hazz while putting on a little kids face when they are begging there mum for a chocolate bar,

“I love it how you call me Hazza and Hazz now. And yeah sure what does he want?” I laughed and pulled out a list, I actually lost a bet with Ni and I had to buy him Nandos for loosing and he could get whatever he wanted and I swear he wanted the whole restaurant.

“Wow he really likes his food ay?” I nodded “So may I ask why you are buying him all of this?”

“Well I kinda lost a bet with him and he said I had to buy him whatever he wanted from Nandos, and trust me this is nothing compared to what he wanted, he wanted like the whole bloody place” I laughed and Harry joined me

New Life; Harry Styles *finished*Where stories live. Discover now