Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I woke up in the nurses office with Harry standing there with the nurse and principle standing in front of me, I heard the nurse and principle Mr Burn talking about the ambulance being on its way, Harry must have noticed I woke up as he called out to the nurse so come over, she was obviously not listening cause she didn’t hear him

“Am’ are you ok? There is an ambulance on the way we are going to get you to the hospital, just stay with me.” I tried to reply but my mouth was dry and then everything started going dark again

I woke up to the ambulance running through the room Harry was holding my hand, which was really nice and comforting, ok this thing really is fucking up my brain cause now I like when Harry is holding my hand and his curls, gosh those curls could kill.

“Amiliea are you there? Can you hear me, squeeze Harry’s hand if you can hear us.” I squizzed his hand so hard I heard him yelp.

“I can hear you doc” I whispered as I couldn’t really speak that well

“Ok how many fingers am I holding up?” I really couldn’t see them, I was a bit worried than I remembered I have glasses, and Louis smashed them when he caked me

“Doc, doc, I can’t see. I wear glasses, but they got smashed when I got hit by the cake, so no I can’t see your fingers.” He looked at Harry after I replied.

Next thing I know I started shaking and it went all black again really fast, but this time I couldn’t hear anything, the other times I could hear for while after I fainted before I went out completely, but this was different I went out cold I couldn’t hear a thing, feel a thing or see a thing. All I can remember before going blank was shaking really bad and the doctor screaming at Harry to get back and that’s it, blank from there on.

Harry’s POV (AN: nervous about this, please don’t cant cranky if I say the wrongs things)

“Doc what’s going on? What’s happened is she ok?” I was really panicking, this can’t be I have so much to tell her. There is so much she needs to know about me, me and her, about how I feel.

“calm down Harry, she is having a seizure we need to get her to the hospital, do you know what cancer she has?”

“What, wait no she doesn’t have cancer, she has a brain tumour, I think she said it in the second degree, I don’t know what that means. Is she gonna die? Will she be ok?” I was talking so fast I don’t think the guy understood half of what I said, he was also trying to get her breathing again while trying to calm me down.

“I’m going with her” I turned to Liam who was now standing behind me

“What? What do you mean you’re going with her?!” he kinda whisper yelled

“I’m going to the hospital, she is allowed one person to go, Liam I need you to run to her locker and get her phone, her code is ****, please be quite”

“why do you know what her locker code is?”

“Cause, umm, I kinda, have um, watched her put it in a couple times. Wait here is her phone don’t worry just let the boys no I have gone to the hospital, ok?” he just nodded and walked off, I was really impressed with the way he understood, he hates her, well actually he isn’t really the one being mean, it’s always Lou and Zayn or Niall.

I called her parents and let them know what is going on and to no worry about going to the hospital cause I’ll watch her, well I didn’t tell them everything.

----In hospital----

“Is she getting better? Is she going to survive? Will she remember me?” I starting panicking really bad again

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