Chapter 11

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AN: sorry if this is short and i am so so so sorry for how long it has taken to get this up...this isnt the last chapter this is just kinda a filler because i feel so bad for how long it has taken me to update. Enjoy, Love you guys xx -LilMissBoBear

Chapter 11 

Amilieas POV 

I was sitting at home by myself as Harry had left with Lou to go get the drinks and I had to wait for Niall who was now half an hour late. I decided to wear [polyvore] I put my hair up in a bun and then up in my hat so I could hide it from Niall and give him a massive shock after I got ready and came down from upstairs were I would've just gotten dressed in my outfit for the party. 

I picked up my guitar and started playing a bit of small bump which is my most favourite song in the world, I started humming along to the tune but little did I know I had started singing along as well, Niall came in when I finished clapping his hands 

"You sound bloody amazing. Not just on the guitar, you have a wonderful voice too" he complemented me and I started blushing "Gosh your cute when you blush" which made me blush even more 

"Stop it" I protested in aw, he is really sweet, the sad part is he treats me better then Harry. 

Stop it Amiliea, Harry loves you, Niall is just your best friend, best friend that treats you better then your own boyfriend......but he doesn't like you so just shut up, it's a one way relationship that shouldn't even be happening because your happily in a relationship with his best friend......well not happily, but still you're in a relationship with his best friend 

"Hello, earth to Amiliea" Niall called waving a hand in front of my face. I noticed I had been staring at Niall the whole time......awkward 

"Sorry I was off in fairy land, I was thinking about the party" I said lying through my teeth, well it wasn't a full lie, I was in fairy land, I was just in fairy land with Niall not about the party 

"Nah it's all cool. So when are we starting to get the house ready for the party?" he asked 

"Well, I wanted to leave it to the last minute cause I'm a lazy shit" I said and he rolled his eyes 

"What shall we do then? Watch a movie? Talk? Do nothing?" 

"I was thinking we dance around like idiots and have an awesome pre party" I suggested 

"Sounds like a plan Jan" I looked at him funny 

"Um what? My name is Amiliea not Jan, who is this Jan and since when was she coming over?" I questioned, and he giggled at me 

"You cute little silly billy, I mean it sounds like a good idea. And there isn't a Jan girl" he says picking me up and spinning me around 

"PUT ME DOWN!!" I protested. He just laughed and kept spinning me until he started running towards the pool 

"OH NO!! NIALL NO! PLEASE NO POOL PLEASE" I shrieked at the top of my lungs and he started laughing. He put me down which was a relief 

"I would never put you in the pool, I wanted to show you the amazing view" he said with a cheeky smirk on his face 

"Um Niall this is MY house I think I know what the view is like. But it is really pretty today" I said 

"Not as pretty as you" Niall mumbled, thinking I didn't hear him, which I did 

"What?" I replied 

"Oh nothing" I knew it wasn't nothing but I decided to drop it because I didn't want to start anything. 

We have now been dancing around and we even watched a movie and we now had about an hour until everyone was supostu turn up, even though I still had no clue who was coming and I am nervous as hell of who was invited but I'm sure it will go just fine....hopefully 

"We should get ready" I turned to Niall, as I was now laying in his arms watching a movie 

"Yeah that would be a good idea" he replied and I got up and he soon followed and waved his hair all around 

It has now been 30 minutes and we have finished the house and it is all set up and there is even a place for the boys to put the drinks when they turn up, speaking of which I wonder when they are turning up. Speak of the devil 

From Hazzie Boo: Hey babe we are on our way home. We will be about 20 minutes :) 

From me: Hey babe, that's cool we have just finished setting up. I just have to get into my party clothes and we're set 

I replied with a smile 

"Okay this looks sweet, well I'm gonna go and get dressed cause I don't think I shall be wearing this at the party" I said referring to my trakies and sweat shirt 

"Okay I'll be down here eating" I laughed at him 

"Don't eat all of the food" I said walking up the stairs 

I knew I was going to be about 20 minutes so I decided to have some fun and I put my music really loud and started getting ready. 

I grabbed my red dress that has little floral bits on it and little red bow belt, I decide to wear dot stockings under my dress. I put on my dress and stockings and then grab my make up and do my make with only black smoky-eyes. After finished my eyes I move onto my hair which is just natural long wavy curls nothing big. I go with some black skull dangling earrings and a black chain necklace that had a black ribbon bow attached to it, I grab some random ass bracelets, I decided to wear contacts because the last thing I want is my glasses falling off at the party and braking. I walk over to my shoes and decide to go with my red and black Nike high tops. 

After I finished getting ready I decide to just walk down the stairs normal not a big thing but I hope I will still look good and not a fail sexy cause that would be awkward. I am an awkward person anyways. 

I grab my phone again and go to the stairs for the big reveal. 

I'm starting to get nervous about showing of my hair, I don't care about what everyone else thinks but Nialls is important to me, he is very important to me. Ugh shut up Amiliea you care too much about this boy, you aren't even with him, you're with his BEST FRIEND. 

I start walking down the stairs and I hear Niall stop walking around and stand at the bottom of the stairs, yes that is perfect. I start slowly walking down the stairs and a huge grin grows on my face. I get to a point where Niall is going to be able to see my hair and his face is priceless, he looks so, um I think he looks happy, his face is more shock but I think he might like it. 

"Yo-you look a-amazing" he says which makes me so happy. As I get to the bottom to the stairs he holds his hand out and I grab it and he brings me close and we lock eyes and I just get lost in the moment, he slowly started leaning in and I didn't realize what was going on until his lips where right near mine then the door flung open and me and Niall sprung apart as quick as you can say Harry 

"Harry, you're back" I said in a happy voice and ran over to him and gave him a hug and just brushed away the whole thing with Niall because we were both just in the moment, it proberly meant nothing to him, even though it meant a lot to me it was nothing, I'll just brush it off and have an amazing night and get effed off my face.

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