Clumsiness get me somewhere

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Chapter 3

Clumsiness get me somewhere

"This is my childhood friend Kyo-kun. He's one of the other people Kyle talks to." I said. I could see them all in visioning Kyle actually talking correctly to someone. Kyo was 5 inches shorter than my older brother and 4 inches taller than me. I feel so short. "I'm Kyo. Nice to meet you.I'm guessing your friends with Joyce." he said pushing up his glasses. "Yeah we are." they said to him. "Joyce.I'm going to go find our cousin so stick with Kyo." my Onii-san said. "I'm not 10 anymore." I whined. (That's when I got lost. TT_TT) "How about you introduce me to your friends, Joyce." Kyo suggested to get me to stop whining. I saw my Onii-chan walk off to find my dufus cousin. "That's Amaterasu- san. She an awesome friend on Wattpad. She loves to encourage me to do better and I trust her a lot. We also share the ame goals." I said standing next to Amaterasu. I walked over to Iggy next. "This is Iggy. We're friends before Wattpad. You remember her don't you Kyo." I said to him. "Yeah. She's the one you always hung out with." he said. I nodded. "This is my Onee-chan." I said hugging Chii-san. "Her real name is Chii.She acts like an older sister and is a really great writer on Wattpad." I said. "And who's the sleeping over there." Kyo points to Jennifer who's sleeping on the bench. We all had to wake her up from the bench. She stood lazily. "This is Jennifer. She another good friend on Wattpad also and as you can see she sleeps alot." I said. "Yo!" someoned yelled. "Kyle. What's up?" Kyo turned around and yelled. Kyle came running up to Kyo. "Nothiing much you." he anwsered. "Hi!" I said to Kyle smiling. "Hi." he said flicking my forehead. "Meanie!" I cried out. "Hey!" I heard my Onii-san yell. "Quit it both of you." he yelled at us. Kyle all of a sudden became quiet as I stiffled a laugh. "Stop laughing idiot." I heard a snotty voice behind my older say.  The red haired boy with brown eyes walked up to us. I could feel as if my knees would give. A cold sweat went down back. "Y-you had to find him Onii-san." I cried hiding behind my Onee-san. "Quit hiding idiot." he said. Grabbing the back my collar. "I'm not a doll Raizo. Put me down.' I yelled strugglig to get out of his grip. "I still don't understand how you have such a grip even though you do Track and Field not wieght lifting." I whined. Everyone watched me struggle to get lose from his grip. He turned me to face him. "Cause your weak and I'm not." He scoffed. I felt all the blood rush to my head. "I'm not." I stated kicking somewhere I really shouldn't have. He fell to his knees. "Is he going to be okay?" Kyo-kun asked."you're kicks have always been brutal Joyce." I turned on my heel. "I hate when people call me weak." I sighed. "All first- years please report to the dorms." A loud announcement called. "What should we do with him?" Amasterasu asked a little worried. "We'll take him to the dorms." Kyo-kun said as he and Kyle helped Raizo up. "C'mon. Let's go!" I said smiling. "How can she be so happy after kicking someone?" Jennifer whisphered. "She almost has a bipolar personality." Iggy whisphered back. "No. I don't." I began to whine.(I know. I'm childish.) "Let's head to the dorms." Onee-san said. We all ran ahead to the dorms. There was a teacher yelling at us telling us what each dorm does and blah, blah, blah, blah, and blah. I swear I fell asleep during this stupid lecture. "So the room is like a house. There's six rooms. Five of the student's are first years and the sixth one is a second-year. Got that down. Joyce." Amaterasu explained. "Yeah. I listened to you not that lady, though."I said. "You need to listen more." Jennifer said hitting my head with a thump. "Ow." I said. I wander off from the group bacause the clutser of girls kept pushing people. Oof. I bumped into someone. Oops. "Are you okay?" the voice asked. I just then realized I was sitting in someone's lap. I stood up as quickly as possible."I'm so sorry." I said bowing to whoever it was. "It's fine. Are you okay, though?" whoever was talking. I looked up to see a boy with blue hair and was much taller than me. "Joyce. Where did you go?" We friends yelled running over to me. Oh yeah that's right I kinda of wandered off. "I'm sorry about wandering off." I said to them. "So who's that?" Iggy asked. I turned to the boy. "I'm Naro Kanoro. I'm a first-year here."he introduced himself. "I'm Joyce Eve and I'm really sorry about that. I'm also a first year." I said. He smiled. "Joyce!" I heard Jennifer's voice call. "Sorry. I have to go. See you later." I yelled running off to Jennifer. "You're Joyce Eve." said the girl in front of me. "Y-yes." I stuttered. "I'm Elica Reaves. I'm a second year student." she said smiling. She had wavy brown hair and green eyes. "The group for our dorm is Amaterasu Yukimuia, Chii Sanjo, Jennifer Strong, Iggy Monah, and Joyce Eve." She said motioning to each of us. We gave each other a group hug. "We're staying together until we graduate." I said smiling. We laughed together as we headed to our dorms.

Author's note:

I know what you maybe thinking that my stupidity and clumminess is dumb. And to anwser that yes I know.  The brother's name shall not be reaveled until I feel like it so keep reading. XD. The backstory for this chapter is my Onee-chan.

Almost forgot the honorific kun- is refrerred to guys most of the time

Chii Sanjo's Back Story:

Chii Sanjo grew up in Tokyo and moved to the town of (not telling :D) She has a mother, father, and younger sister. Her sister is adopted. After the mother's miscarriage. Chii's sisterly personality is one of the reasons she so good at working with kids.(find out later in the story) Chii is genarally the most mature person out of the group and doesn't get pissed off easliy.

~Thanks Onee-chan for the support!! (and everyone else also. Espically Fishoes and Amaterasu-chan)

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