The Queen of the dorms. Part 1

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Chapter 4

The Queen of the dorms. Part 1

The room was huge compared to my room this was minature. "Why is this place so big?" I cried out. I was gawking at the place and my jaw dropped.(If Kyle were around he would put my jaw back into place and ask "if I wanted to catch flies in my mouth." Thanks Kyle) "This room is suppose to house and the building is alternated by each room." Elica said. 'So the room next to us is a guys room." I screamed. "That can't be.Why does it have to be a guys room?" I said. I was crawled up into a ball in one of the corner's of the room. "What's wrong with guys living next door?" Amasterasu asked. I looked at her. "I lived with my Onii-san for 13 whole years and Kyo-kun lived door to us for 9 years. I lived near guys for most of my life." I said looking at the ground. "That's right. Joyce is the only one with an older brother, and a boy childhood friend." Iggy said. "I didn't have any friends that were girls because every one of them just wanted to get closer to my Onii-san." I said."It's okay." Onee-chan comforted me. "Yeah. Cause now you got us as friends." Amaterasu said smiling. Jennifer held her thumb up and Iggy smiled. "How about we go greet ou neighbors next door?" Elica proposed. "Yeah." we all said in unison. We walked out of the room and went down the hallway to the our neighbors door. Elica knocked on the door.I hid behind my Onee-san. It opened with a creak. "What do you..Joyce?" the person who anwsered the door yelled. I peeked out to see who saw me. "Lero." I smiled. He stilled had his headset on probably gaming again. "Yo. Lero. Who's at the do. Joyce what are you doing here." It was Ichijo. I thought they couldn't see me.(crying on the inside) "They're not invisible!" I yelled at them motioning to my friends. "What's with the racket at the door?" it was Raizo's voice. I hid behind Amasterasu this time. "We're here to meet our neighbors."Jennifer sighed. "Oh it's you people." Raizo scoffed. I really wanted to punch him right now. "Raizo. Let the people at the door in." I heard someone called it sounded like my brother. We all walked in to the room. "Yo." that was Kyle and his bluntness. "Hi. We're your neighbors." Elica said. "One, two,three,four,five. There's only five of you." I heard Kyo-kun's voice. "What do you want to do, Joyce? Amasterasu whispered. I was cotenplating what to do. I walked out from behingd Amastersu. "JOYCE!" the guys yelled. "Hi." I said smiling sheepily. When I saw the room of guys the whole room was everybody that knew me. I then began counting everyone in my head. Kyle, Kyo-kun, Lero, Ichijo, and myOnii-san. "Your missing someone." I stated. "He's in the shower." Lero said turning back to his video game. "TMI!" I screamed. "Who's yell." a half naked guy walked out of the bathroom. "NARO!" our group aside from Elica yelled. His hair with dripping wet from the shower and he was well built on his top half .He looked so hot. What am I thinking. I began to hit myself in the head. I felt a hand grab mine. "Are you okay, Joyce." It was Naro. He was so close to my face. I could feel my face go red. "I'm f-fine." I stuttered. "Really, you're face looks red." he said. He about to touch my face. When Kyo-kun and my  Onii-san grabbed him back. "Don't touch her." they said angerly. We ended up staying there until lunch. I talked to Kyle. While everyone else did something else. "You're boring." I said to Kyle. "You're boringer." he retorted. "That's not a word." I said back placing my head on my hands. By the time lunch rolled around we headed down t the cafeteria. "I'm so bored." I sighed. After the talk with Kyle in turned into us almost killing each other until my Onii-san stopped the fight. We're still friends though. We ate lunch with the guys and I sat with my Onee-san and Amastersu on the other side. All of a sudden there's anouncement. "All girls report to the auditorium. " We all stand up confuse except Elica she has a stern expression on her face. We head to the auditorium and take a seat in the row at the very top. A group of ten girls walk on the stage. "Hello, Everyone!" The girl in the middle yells in the mic. Everyone is quiet. "What the heck is this?" Amasterasu whisphered. "I don't know." I whispered back. "Everyone here aside from second ycompitionears are wondering why your here in this room." the middle girl contiued to speak. "You girls are here because you are now all entered into the Queen of the Dorms competition, and if you girls are so curious about the boys they'tre going through the King of the dorms competition." She shouted. "So welcome all first years to the Queen of the Dorms competition." She yelled.

Author's Note: 

I'm sorry if this was short this is only part one remember that. I know. NARO is hot is all I have to say to you people. If your crushing on Kyle don't bother. There's no chance of it.(maybe) I hope you liked it. If you didn't your dead to me. If you did YAY! Tanks a lot. (I act a lot like my character) The back story well be................ Let's do... no we can't do him........I'll just do Amasterasu-san.

Amasterasu Yukimuia's Back story.

 Amasterasu was raised by both Japanese parents. Her parents were both workers that went on international trips. On one trip both of her parents never came back when she was at the age of 12. She started live with her grandparents until recently. She didn't have many friends since she went to a private school. Amasterasu friendly nature is from wanting to have more friends. 

Thanks a lot for everyone's support.( and right now running away run my Onee-chan)

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