The Queen of the Dorms. Part 2

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  • Dedicated to To all the people who have read this XD

Chapter 5

The Queen of Dorms. Part 2

"So this is what you have to win the competition." The girl yelled. Jennifer was sleeping until she heard the word win. "I heard winning. So I'm listening." She said when I looked at her. "Everybody will receive a paper." the girl continued. A few girls walked each row handing out a piece of paper. "What's this?" I said looking over the contents of paper. "What the?!" I whispered. "So as you can see this is what have to do to get yourself into the real competition." she said. "How much work do we have to do?" Iggy cried out to us. The girl in the middle anwsered our question. "Everyone noticed how our school starts two weeks ealier than others. That's because within those two weeks the compittion takes place and then you begin your studies." she yelled smiling. "My friend Louisa will go over the rules." the girl said. A girl with pink hair and a blue streak walk up. I heard of her from my Onii-san. He said she was the top of her band group and loves to talk. She also asked my Onii-san out. (He said no, though. :D) "You must particpate in 3 of the events listed on the paper. Hand this into your second year students. The ones listed as group effort you'll be in your dorm groups and you'll be paired with a guys group also. For the other ones you'll do those individually. Guys will also be particpating in it also."she said. "This whole thing is isane." I screamed once we reached our room. I plopped myself on the couch and sighed. "This whole thing is crazy. Why do we have to do this?" I cried out. Everyone looked at me and broke out laughing. "Joyce is at it again. Complaining about something that she hasn't tried." Iggy laughed. She knew me well so I wasn't to surprised that she would bring that up. "So what if I didn't want to try field day or the basket ball try outs. "I retorted sitting up. "Joyce don't get to mad." Jennifer joked. I threw a pillow at her and she grabbed one off a chair. . Iggy, Amasterasu, and Onee-chan joined in, also. Elica was somewhere we had no clue as we had a pillow fight "I win." Jennifer yelled stepping on the heap of pillows and us mixed up into it. "Girls...."Elica walked in with the guys from next door behind her. Oops. We're in the heap of pillows not even trying to get out of it. We all broke out laughing even the guys at the door. Ichijo helped Jennifer off the top of us as Raizo actually helped Amasterasu out of the heap. Lero helped my Onee-chan. Kyo-kun gave me his which I took and he pulled me out. "What happened here?" Elica giggled. We broke out laughing again recalling what happened. "Sorry. I'm the one who started it." I said bowing to Elica. "Of course. Joyce did it." I heard Kyle scoff. Nobody knew I held a pillow behind my back. I threw at Kyle's face. It hit his face and he looked slightly pissed. "You're dead!" he yelled at me. I ran over to the pile of pillows and the pillow fight commenced again. I know it may have been my fault, but it was fun. Even Elica and Onii-san joined in after thinking about joining. (actually I grabbed my Onii-san hand and ran for the pile of pillows.) "So we spend half of the day at the guys room and they spend like a few hour over here helping with a pillow fight." Amasterasu laughed as she helped me out of the heap. Every one else is stuck. I help Onee-chan and Jennifer as Amasterasu helped Iggy. "Hey, get us out of here, too." Lero complained smiling. "Should we or should we not?" Amasterasu questioned with a laugh. We helped out the guys. I helped Kyo-kun and Naro out. As everyone else returned the favor. I also had to help Kyle out also after he protested saying he rather have my Onii-san pull him out. "That was fun let's try it next time at our room." Ichijo said stretching out. "Yeah, what do you say girls?" Lero agreed. We all nodded at each other. "We're in."we said. They left and we had to clean up. "Now you girls have to fill out that paper. I have to hand it in before dinner." Elica said.  We sat down at the table in the middle of the room.

~An hour later

"My head is going to burst!" I yelled. "What's wrong Joyce are you, okay? "everyone asked worried. "I can't choose the last one." I sighed hitting my head on the table. "Joyce." Amasterasu said tapping my shoulder. I looked at them and they were all smiling. They handed me my paper. I looked at it sitting up right. "Huh?!" I said sitting upright. I bet my eyes were deciving me. "Test of courage! " I yelped. I felt a cold sweat run down my back. I hate anything scary espically the test of courage. "Yeah. We're all now signed up for it." Onee-san said pumping her fist. They handed in the papers to Elica who just smiled. "You girls go head down to dinner." she said. We ate dinner and went to our room. "The competition starts tomorrow." They squealed. I went to the shower and got ready to go to bed. "The Queen of the Dorms, huh?" I sighed. I got on to Wattpad and by 11:30pm I went to bed.

Author's Note:

Hoped you guys liked it. And my Onii-san is the best! Hope you like the Dorms competition. Queen of the Dorm. Part 2 is the last part. Now to the back story. It's actaully Kyo-kun's.

Kyo-kun's Back Story. (His last name is secret.)

Kyo-kun was born and raised in Japan. He was Joyce's childhood friend and always will be. He and Joyce have a lot of history together. His older brother died the day before Joyce left from the neighborhood. The only one who did comfort him was Joyce. Kyo has after the death of his brother had the tendency to keep his feeling more under ropes after that. He also doesn't do will with talking to girls. Joyce sometimes calls him 'Puppy' during when he has trouble talking to girls. He also has a seret to why he doesn't like girls.

Thanks for supporting me people!

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