Chapter 3 (Nathan's pov)

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"Nathan come find me" I hear Jodi yell from across the room.

God when my parents said I could go out Saturday night to Roy's party, if I babysat Jodi and Tami for one day, I was jumping up and down because I thought it was going to be easy.

You know, I thought I would just put a movie when they woke up and I would just watch them, but they woke up at 7 and have been running and hiding around the house all morning.

Now I understand why they never have the same nanny twice, and why my parents constantly get phone calls from school. These twins of mine are crazy. I wonder if I ever was like this.

"I'm coming!" I say pretending to look for Tami under the dining table.

Tami is the only one I actually have to look for because she always hides someplace different. Unlike Jodi who hides behind curtains every time we play, although sometimes she chooses different rooms.

I go upstairs into the guest room I think I hear footsteps. I check the curtains but nothing, it must be Tami then.

I like how she thinks I cant her her laughing from under the bed.

"Heey Tami, I can hear you. Now go help me find Jodi" I say bending down and looking under the bed.

"That's not fair!"she whines stomping her foot. "You always find me first!"

"Well you're louder than Jodi!" I say coming down the stairs and looking at the curtains. Im just gonna wait until she moves.

"Woah!" I hear Jodi say as she motions for us to come to the window. "They finally moved in! We have new neighbors. Let's go and say hi!" she says, literally jumping up and down.

"Yes, can we go? Please!" Tami joins in.

"Sorry guys, but it would be better to wait for mom and dad. I promise that as soon as they get here we can go." I say looking out the window where a black bmw was parked. I wonder what they were waiting for.

"You promise?" they both say.

"I promise."  I say and they go into the kitchen to probably hide again.

Please tell me they're finally tired.

I look out the window and see a tall man in his forties open the back door for someone.

A pretty girl, maybe 17 or 18 steps out to help carry the plastic bags inside. I'm guessing that's her dad.

I guess they moved in, in time for school to start. In less than a week I start  my senior year at brookside high and that's why Roy is throwing an end of summer party.

She's pretty, dark brown hair, short, but the skinny jeans she's wearing complement her legs and may I say her butt.

She walks back outside and looks up. Shit! I think she saw that I'm watching her through the window.

"Nathan are you coming!" the girls yell from the kitchen, .

They must be hungry, its already noon and they didn't have breakfast. They insisted on playing hide and seek.

"You guys hungry yet?!" I yell walking into the kitchen where they're sitting on the stools.

"Can you make bacon and egg?" Tami says.

"No I want ham and egg!"  Jodi argues.

"Nathan, tell Jodi that since I'm the oldest I get to choose what we have for breakfast. And I want bacon!" Tami looks at me with pleading eyes.

"How about we try putting both of them together. how does bacon, ham and egg sound?" I say walking to the stove and pull out one of mom's pans.The things I do for these girls, I once dressed up like a princess to keep them from crying when mom and dad had to leave town for some meeting.

"Yess! it sounds good!" they both say. It freaks me out how they say the exact same thing at the same time sometimes.

"Alright." I say  "Tami can you get the bacon and the ham. and you Jodi, get the eggs out of the fridge, please."

"Ok Nathan" says Tami going to the fridge.


"We're home" I hear dad yell from the front door.

"Dont yell, the girls just fell asleep. they didn't even make it to their beds" I say walking with my parents into the kitchen. Dad opened the fridge while mom looked through the mail on the counter.

"They fell asleep on the couch" mom asks.

"Yeah we were watching a movie and I guess they were tired." I say looking at the clock.

I thought it was late already maybe eight but it was barely 6:20. The girls woke up too early today, and since my parents are already home I assumed it was later.

"You guys are home early"

"Yeah, not much happened at the clinic today, so we thought we could come home, order some pizza and watch some movies." my dad says.

My parents own the town's only clinic so they are usually home late, not too late though. but although they're always busy, they always find a way to have a family night once a week where we watch movies and play some classic games like charades and monopoly.

"yeah that sounds good" I say remembering about the promisei made to the girls this morning. "ohh I almost forgot, the new neighbors moved in today, well last night I think because I saw them early in the morning."

"Really?" dad asks looking over to mom. " We didn't notice a car in the driveway when we left this morning"

"I don't think they were there at the time because when I saw them I think they had just come back from grocery shopping." I say to dad

"Oh honey, do you think we can go over and introduce ourselves" mom asks.

"Yes of course, but do you we should wake up the girls, it would be right to introduce ourselves all at once." dad says getting up from the stool.

"Yeah, I promised we would go to meet them as soon as you guys got here" I say walking to the couch, where they were sleeping.

"Alright, just give 5 minutes to just change my top" mom says running upstairs before my dad could protest.

"C'mon girls, wake up. Do you guys want to go say hi to the new neighbors" dad says poking Jodi and Tami until they opened their eyes.

"So do you guys want to go?" I ask.

"Go where?" mumbles Tami.

"To meet the new neighbors" dad says.

they got up from the couch and ran to the front door. That was the reaction I was looking for. I'm surprised they stopped at the door.

"What are we waiting for! lets go!

"Where's mom?" ads Jodi.

"I'm right here" mom says coming down the stairs now wearing a dressy shirt rather than her work clothes. "let's new the new neighbors"

I hope I get to see that girl again. She probably noticed that someone was watching them through the window earlier but if she mentions it, I'll blame it on the girls. Whoops.

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