Let's Make A Deal

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"So, are you going to tell me what that was all about?" My mother asked me as soon as she was done laughing from my outburst with Keith. She was slowly driving forwards from the drop off, towards the schools' exit and on the road.

"Why did you say he hits like a... well, you know." She said.

"It doesn't matter. It's over with now," I answered.

"Charly, is he the one that gave you the black eye?" She questioned seriously.

"No, mom." I groaned. "I was telling the truth about how I got the black eye. It doesn't matter, it was the other night and it's over. Just don't say anything to dad."

"Well, alright." She agreed. "I wish you would tell me."

"Sorry, mom. It's just not worth telling."

"Of course it's worth telling, Charly. If he laid a hand on you, it's important to your family and it's important that he never does it to another girl." I sighed. 

"You're right. I'll make sure he never does anything." I said quickly. "I'll talk to him." 

"I think it's best if you stay away from him." She said sharply. 

"Believe me, I'm trying." I told her. "But, I'll make sure he doesn't do anything. Somehow. Just don't tell dad. If he does something else, I'll tell you about it." 

"Okay, Charly. I'm trusting you," She said. 


"Good news, your cousin Vincent is going to be staying with us for a while. They live about an hour away but his parents, your fathers' brother decided that they were going to move to Michigan and Vinny is going to stay here to go to school. So, he'll be staying with us for a little while until he gets his own place." She explained. I was hoping the name Vinny would ring a bell in my head but as usual, nothing clicked.

"Vinny? Is he nice?" 

"Of course he is. You and Rhett used to play outside all day with Vinny, the three of you were so close, it was the cutest thing. He's the closest thing you have to an older brother, I'd say. He comes to visit sometimes with your aunt and uncle but it's been a while. They were going to come by to see how you're doing before they move.They're going to spend the night and then be on their way."

"Have they been planning to move for a while?"

"Yeah, about a year. Vinny tried to talk them out of it but Ruth, your aunt, has family in Michigan and she wants to be with them so your uncle Rob wanted her to be happy. So that's where they'll be living." 

"They're moving from one cold place to another." I replied, zipping my black jacket up. The day was cloudy and the air was frigid. I suspected that it was going to snow soon. 

"Right." Mom agreed. "Well, at least your cousin will be here for your eighteenth birthday. You're going to love getting to know him again, I just know it."

"Great." I said enthusiastically. "When do they get here?"

"Friday. Your birthday." She said. I know I should have been excited to meet family that I didn't remember but honestly I was sick of meeting people I couldn't remember.

When dad came home that evening at around 6, we all had dinner together. We hadn't done that together like that since I had come home from the hospital. Sometimes dad didn't get home until later because he liked to go out with friends or he head last minute customers with hurt or sick pets. But that night, he came home early. I helped mom make dinner and Rhett set the table. We had spaghetti. I sat on one side of the table, Rhett sat across from me. Dad sat at the head of the table and mom sat on the other side.

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