Tuesdays Suck

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I played around with the padlock on my locker, changing to all of the numbers I needed for my combination and I finally yanked it open as hard as I could. I didn't blame Joey, these lockers sucked.

I whipped my back pack around my shoulders so it swung in front of me and I dug through it for my History book that was too heavy to carry in my bag and I was going to store in my locker until the next day so I wouldn't forget it at home.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of the metal slamming shut and Liz was standing next to me, her arm curved around me as her hand had slammed my locker door shut.

"Oops," She said sarcastically to me. I looked into her dark brown eyes that I could see now held hatred for me.

"No problem." I told her. "It's not like I can't open it again," I saw her hand fly towards me and her nails scratched my shoulder as she ripped my back pack away from me. "Hey! Give it back!" She turned it upside down and all of my papers and my books toppled to the marble white floor. She laughed and tossed my bag at me and it fell to my feet. People walked passed us, dozens of eyes on me.

"What are you going to do about it, Charly? You're not the queen bee anymore, princess. There's a new queen bee in town." She said, taking a step closer to me. 

"Be my guest." I told her calmly. "I don't care about being the stupid queen bee. And I'm not going to do anything to you." She snickered. 

"Loser." She giggled. She bumped my shoulder and walked down the hallway. I rolled my eyes and leaned down to pick up all of my stuff. 

"Need a hand?" A familiar voice asked me. A smooth darker toned hand reached out and grabbed my history book. I looked up into Joey Quinto's big brown eyes that held kindness. I smiled up at him.

"Thanks." I said. He handed me my history book that I shoved back into my bag. He started helping me with the rest of the papers.

"She seemed fun," Joey said sarcastically. I nodded. 

"Oh, she's the best." I shoved the rest of my papers into my bag and I crossed over to my locker again, playing with the padlock. I got my numbers in and pulled it back open again. 

"What was that all about?" He questioned, leaning on the locker next to mine and staring at me. 

"She feels the need to make my life miserable because I'm being a decent human being for a change." I replied, shoving my history book into the locker.

"For a change?" 

"Oh yeah. You don't know," I said. 

"Know what?" 

"Well," I started slowly. "During about two months before summer vacation started, my mother and I were in a car crash because of a drunk driver on a red light. And when we crashed, I had severe head trauma. I recently just got out of the hospital like, a two weeks ago. I may have permanent amnesia." 

"Oh my god." He said with wide eyes. "That's terrible, I'm sorry." 

"Thanks." I said with a shrug as I slammed my locker door shut. "I don't remember anyone, not even my family. It's like, starting over in your life and not knowing anything about it. Anyway, before I lost my memory I was the biggest jerk. I was the queen bee of the school, I did terrible things, I hung out with bad people. Like the girl you just saw."

"Oh," He said quietly.

"And the worst part is, I think I made them that way. Because I turned into what I was like my freshman year of high school. When I started dating Keith. My now ex-boyfriend."

"What, things didn't work out?"

"When your memory is wiped clean, you get to know everyone for the first time again. And you're not yourself. And when you're not yourself, you're someone new. And you kind of see how terrible people are when you're getting to know them."

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