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I took a deep breath and leaned back against the pillows as I held my tea close to me in one hand and the first Twilight book in the other. I actually felt relaxed and peaceful for one of the first nights since, well, ever.

Naturally my ease was short-lived. I was surprised I had even gotten as far as I did before my phone started shrieking at me and I was forced to set aside my tea and book to see, of course, Shane's name and picture flash across the screen. I shook my head as I answered the phone.

"What is it this time?" I asked monotonously.

"Hiiiiii," Shane replied on the other line. I could hear music playing loudly in the background and the sound of people being loud and obnoxious. I could just envision Shane standing in the midst of too-close bodies whilst on the phone to me.

"What, Shane?" I grumbled, even though I already knew the answer.

"I need you to come get meee," he slurred into the phone.

"You do realize that it's one in the morning and I have work tomorrow, correct?" I ranted at him. "And that you're all the way across town, and I'm already in bed with my tea and everything?"

"I'm not across town," he replied, picking just one thing out of my little rant. "I'm only a few blocks away."

I frowned. "Not the usual place then?"

"Got boring," he mumbled. "Just come get meeee. I'm tired!"

"Nope, not this time," I said defiantly. "You can have fun walking home."

"Aw, come on, Alice!" he whined. "I'm not that far away! And you don't even have to take me back home. I'll spend the night at your house!"

"Fine, I'll be there in ten minutes," I finally broke down. "You better be out front when I get there."

Shane could always seem to sway me to come and get him, no matter what time it was, from a club after he decided to get too drunk to barely stand up straight. It was really very irritating, especially since he actually had a reputation to protect with his job, and I happened to have a job of my own.

I climbed out of bed and pulled a sweatshirt over my pajamas, not even bothering to get dressed, as I pulled on my Ugg boots and headed out to my car.

I never liked club environments very much. They were fun, I guess, but I never went with anyone that it would be fun with. I loved Shane of course, he's my best friend, but he usually had a few drinks with me and then wandered off to dance, leaving me to get hit on by creepy old guys. Yeah, it was the best time. Definitely.

I pulled up outside Velvet, a nightclub that Shane had dragged me to only on a few occasions as he preferred one closer to his flat, and searched the sidewalk for any sign of him. Oh, of course not. He had one job. One damn job.

I shut off my car and stepped out into the cold air angrily, quickly wrapping my arms around myself as I stepped up onto the sidewalk.

"You lost, sweetheart?" the man at the entrance called to me. I shook my head quickly and he frowned at me.

"You sure about that? You don't exactly look like someone who would be around here at this time of night. If I were you, I'd head on home," he told me. "This isn't a safe part of town for someone like you."

I scoffed. So because I was a female in pajamas at one in the morning in a dangerous neighborhood near a nightclub... I'm not going to even finish that. He was right. I just wished Shane would have listened to my one request.

I pulled my cellphone out of my pocket and dialed his number, sighing in relief when he picked up almost immediately.


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