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Do you ever feel just... empty? You're not sad, but you can't really explain how you're truly feeling, deep inside. You're just a void of emptiness, because you're without that one thing that keeps some sort of emotion in you, whether it be good or bad.

That was how I felt.

I wasn't sure how many days had passed. Maybe four? I had spent them locked away in the bedroom I stayed in. I had only changed my clothes once in that time, opting for sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt, but after awhile I caved and pulled on Harry's sweatshirt that he had loaned me when we went to the agency the other day. It still smelled like him, despite the fact that I had wet it with my tears.

My stomach growled with hunger, even though I'd just eaten about an hour ago. Louis was the one to bring me food and check on me occasionally. I wasn't sure how the other boys felt about what happened between Harry and I. I wasn't even sure if they knew what had been said, but it was obvious that Harry and I weren't interacting.

I hadn't seen him since he left my room. I hadn't caught a single glimpse of him. Then again, I never left the bedroom.

I didn't know what time it was. I just knew that I was hungry, and tired, and lonely. I curled onto my side, staring at nothing but the blank wall, as I let unconsciousness overtake me.


"He never loved you, Alice."

Seth's face was blank of any expression, his voice barely a murmur through dry, cracked lips. His eyes were completely black. Not just the irises--everything. It was terrifying, but what was even more so was the fact that I couldn't move an inch. I couldn't get away from his words echoing inside my mind.

"He never will either. He's incapable of loving you. All he'll ever do is hurt you. He'll just keep hurting you, over and over again, until finally you'll be completely trapped. No matter what--that's how it will always be."

"No," I cried out. Seth didn't flinch. He didn't move. He didn't stop talking.

"It'll end up killing you. He'll shatter you. He'll make you just as broken as he is. You'll be a ghost of your former self, and you'll sit there beside him while he lives his life, some kind of broken robot. You'll say that you love him, and he'll smile at you, but you will never be you again. You won't get your life back, Alice. He'll destroy you."

"No," I gasped.

My heart was beating painfully in my chest. I felt as if I were about to explode. My breathing was ragged as I sat up in bed, fingers curling around the blankets as a sob ripped through me. Only three tears trickled down my face, but I felt as if I was going to breakdown at any moment.

He'll make you just as broken as he is.

No. Harry wasn't that broken, was he?

You'll be a ghost of your former self.

I scrambled from the bed, throwing the covers carelessly to the floor in my haste. My footsteps sounded like avalanches as I hurried down the hallway, desperately trying to keep it together. I didn't even bother with knocking on Harry's door, and it seemed that it wouldn't have mattered, because he wasn't there.

"No, no, no," I mumbled helplessly. I could feel myself unraveling already.

I considered going back to my room. I would sob into the pillows until I fell asleep. I had done this countless times. It was something that I was accustomed to. But I didn't want to be alone. I wanted Harry.

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