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Coraline is probably one of the most terrifying movies I've ever watched.

I was sat in the front row of Louis' mini movie theater, a half-eaten bowl of popcorn sitting in my lap, watching, again, one of the most terrifying movies ever. Louis sat beside me, smirking as I continually complained about how disturbing it was.

It was nearing the end--Coraline was attempting to save her parents from the 'Other Mother' (a terrifying spider-like creature with button eyes)--when Louis' phone went off and I nearly had a heart attack. The bowl of popcorn flew out of my hands as I jumped in my seat and the bowl sailed to the carpeted floor, thudding off of it harmlessly but spilling it's contents all over the place.

"Oops," I mumbled.

Louis laughed and shook his head in amusement before he managed to pull his phone out of his pocket and answered it. "Hello?"

"Yeah, yeah, Harry, she's fine--" I gave him a look that clearly said 'I am not fine' and he laughed. "Okay, well actually she's scarred for life because of a movie, but that's besides the point. She really is okay." There was a pause. "Mhmm... I won't. Got it... Harry, don't you have places to be? Alright, see you."

Louis hung up and slipped his phone back in his pocket before he caught me looking at him expectantly. "He wanted to make sure we got here safely and that you were doing okay." I nodded, the movie absorbing my attention again but I couldn't help but feel as if there had been more to the conversation than Louis had told me.

When the movie had ended Louis said that he needed to make a few calls and headed up to his bedroom. I took that moment to venture to the backyard--something I had admired since I first arrived about two hours ago.

It wasn't a gated kind of backyard. More of a, you step out into it and immediately you're in a vast meadow that looks like a sea of beautiful green. I unlocked and slid open the back door and stepped out onto the short porch barefoot.

I carefully walked down the three small steps until my feet touched the soft grass. I didn't walk far before I sat down. The house was only maybe forty feet away.

I sat cross-legged on the ground and let my eyes slide closed. For the first time in days I felt truly peaceful. A light breeze rustled my hair, blowing it gently out behind me.

I didn't let my mind wander to the things that I was worried about. Instead, I attempted to convince myself that Harry was fine wherever he was, as were the other boys, and everything would end up okay. As I laid back against the green and stared up at the clear blue sky, I began to feel as if maybe it were possible that things would end up alright in the end.

I laid there for ten, maybe fifteen minutes, before I heard voices in the house. My heart skipped a beat when I thought of who it must be. My feet couldn't carry me fast enough inside.

I stopped in the doorway to the living room and tried to suppress my disappointment as four pairs of eyes found me. It wasn't Harry like I had expected. Iwas grateful that the boys were back, but they all had grim looks on their faces. Immediately I sensed that something was going on.

"What's wrong?"

Louis shook his head.

"Tell me," I demanded, my voice harsh. No one answered. "Please... i-is it... him?"

"Harry's fine," Zayn assured me. Then he frowned. "Shouldn't he be here though, Lou? It's almost six." I remembered Harry saying that he would see us in three hours... that was at two. Had I been lying outside long enough for the clock to tick past five? I had been purposely awaiting that moment.

"I'm sure he's just caught up with something," Louis answered automatically, tilting his head to the side. I knew right away what they were doing: hiding something from me. I had seen this type of communication between my brother and Shane too many times. I never questioned it then, but this was different.

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