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The sun was setting over the hills, casting a pretty orange light over our campsite. It might have been a romantic sight to see, something that I would have enjoyed, but I found no happiness in the sunset right now. I was too focused on the steadily growing loneliness spreading through me.

Harry had ventured off nearly two hours ago to 'get some firewood and think'. I hadn't expected him to be gone for so long, and at first the break was nice considering it would be the first time I had some real alone time in weeks. But after that taste of freedom, I was suddenly aching to have someone near me again, not to mention the fact that I still felt slightly rejected, not to mention stupid.

I couldn't believe that I had made a move on Harry in the first place. I should have known what his reaction would be, but in that moment, all I needed was to feel safe. To some, it might not make sense as to why I would want to do anything with Harry after how I'd been treated in those ways, but Harry wasn't just anybody.

It was odd how close you could grow to someone in such a short period of time. I had known him two weeks. Three weeks? I wasn't entirely sure. Time had become meaningless to me.

But in that time, Harry had become my safe place. It didn't matter where I was, as long as I was near him, I felt a sense of overwhelming security. The crave to be closer to him was undeniable, but right now it merely ate away at me. What if he wasn't thinking the same way?

There was no doubt in my mind that Harry at least cared for me on some level, but what level was that exactly? He was dead set on protecting me against all odds, and he had portrayed some other emotions through the many kisses we'd shared, but how did he actually feel?

I think that was another reason I'd practically attacked him in the tent the night prior. I wanted to have that before it was too late. If that text was any sort of indication of what was to come, I needed to bask in whatever Harry and I managed to obtain right now.

I quickly got up from my spot in one of the chairs Harry had brought then. He had set off in the direction of the lake, and though I couldn't see it from here, I thought there was a good chance that he was somewhere near there.

Just as I was about to make the walk there to find out for myself, an odd buzzing noise made me stop. I turned my head to find Harry's phone stirring in the chair Harry had been sitting in prior to his departure. Just the noise made my stomach drop.

I glanced back around, and finding no one there, cautiously approached the vibrating phone. As soon as I had it in my hands the motion ceased. With shaky hands I opened the new text message.

From Unknown Number: 

It's too bad that your friends aren't quite as strong as you thought. We're on our way.

I don't know how long I stood there, staring at the screen though my eyes refused to reread what had already set into my mind. At some point, though, my entire body began to shake uncontrollably and the phone slipped through my fingers.

I had never been a fast runner, but thankfully running down a hill seemed to help me some in the speed department. I was able to make it over halfway to the lake before the ache in my legs began to slow me down some, but I forced myself to continue moving.

Harry was stood in front of the lake, arms crossed over his chest. His stance was peaceful as if he were just taking in the beautiful view of the sunset from a higher point. I was about to ruin the serene scene though.

"Harry!" I screamed. He immediately whipped around, his eyes wide as I barreled towards him. I slammed roughly into him and he steadied me, holding me at arm's length. "What's wrong?" His voice was low and intense.

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