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I pounded against the door, my breathing shallow as sobs shook my tired, convulsing body. The tears flew from my eyes effortlessly, dripping down onto the flat wooden floor.

I tried so hard to get out, but the door refused to move so much as an inch. It stood firm and unyielding as I repeatedly threw myself against it. No matter how many times I pulled on the shiny brass knob, it wouldn't open, and in the little light that was provided from a glow in the kitchen, I couldn't find the lock. Maybe there wasn't even one. Maybe I was permanently locked in this place.

My sobs became louder, until I was crying out in pure agony. The sound resounded around the room, echoing back at me and maximizing my pain.

I heard the heavy thud of footsteps behind me but I didn't even bother moving, though the sound terrified me. It reminded me of my past when I would actually try to run, only to be faced with the murderous expression of my ex. There was no point in trying to get away--the pain would just intensify.

That's why I was surprised when I felt careful hands pry my fingers from the doorknob and then wrap around my wrists. The hands tugged me gently upwards until I was standing unsteadily, most of my weight against the door behind me.

I looked up into Harry's green eyes, shadowed in the darkness. His mouth was set in a thin line and despite the hardness of his eyes, they seemed soft almost as he regarded me. "Are you awake?"

The close proximity between us was unnerving and I found it difficult to produce a coherent sentence. His body was just inches from mine, his hands still holding onto my wrists. Where his skin touched mine it felt like I was being burned, yet it didn't feel entirely painful.

"I--" I was interrupted by a loud cry, and only after a few seconds did I realize that the sound had protruded from me. I was in hysterics, my mind scrambled into mush as I leaned back against the sturdy door. I just wanted to leave.

"LET ME GO!" the scream ripped through me abruptly, and without any idea of what I was doing I began to struggle against Harry's hold on my wrists. But he only tightened his hands as I continued to pull away, his eyes almost black now.

I realized that I was getting nowhere so I stopped suddenly, but more tears welled in my eyes. "P-please let me go. I'm scared."

To my surprise, his hands dropped immediately and he leaned away from me. "What are you scared of? I told you I would protect you tonight."

"But you didn't!" I spat.

His expression became defensive now. "How so, princess?"

The nickname sent a shiver through my body. It felt like so long ago since he'd called me that, or since he'd said that he would protect me. Everything felt distant.

"You didn't protect me from myself," I replied, my voice a shaky whisper now as I wrapped my arms instinctively around my body.

His eyes widened in obvious surprise. He hadn't been expecting that kind of answer. We stood there in silence, the only sound my horrible sobs that seemed to only grow louder as time wore on. Finally, Harry let out a breath.

"Come with me, princess." His voice was gentler now and I stared at him for a long moment before nodding slightly and following him into his bedroom. It was only then that I noticed that he was only in his boxers. I had a full view of his long, tanned torso. I noticed one long scar tracing across the lower half of his back, and I frowned, wondering what had caused it.

"Here," he said suddenly, pulling me out of my thoughts as he handed me a folded piece of clothing. "Put it on."

"Look away," I instructed him as I began to strip out of my t-shirt and jeans. He did as he was told, turning slowly on the spot to face the dark closet as I pulled the big t-shirt over my head. It was long enough to reach just below the middle of my thighs.

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