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I held the phone tightly in my hands, my eyes glazing over as I stared at the screen that flashed 'Finn' repeatedly. The soft chime of the mobile resonated through the air, cutting through the thick silence that had enveloped me. It was too tempting to glide my finger across the glass and raise the speaker to my ear. To hear Finn's voice would be something comforting - something that might just help me figure out why the hell I had come here with Louis in the first place.

The mere fact that I was in Harry's home had me refraining from doing the easy action. I felt as if he were watching me at all times, as if by clicking the accept button I would be sending up some kind of flare to Harry. The thought made an involuntary shiver ripple through me and I shook my head. I was being paranoid.

The call ended, sending Finn to voice mail. I had taken too long to make the decision, and now it was gone.

Slowly I trailed my fingers across the screen, hovering my index right over the 'call back' button that would surely have Finn's voice floating down the line in no time, but a quiet tap at the door distracted me. I turned, pausing as the handle turned and the door was pushed open to reveal Harry. I frowned.

"Why did you bother knocking if you were just going to walk right in anyway?" I questioned a bit bitterly. Seeing him stood there hurt much worse than I could have imagined. I was still attempting to decipher the words he had said to me downstairs. A part of me struggled to believe that they were true, but I knew that that was just my mind rejecting the pain that would ensue if they were.

Harry ignored my question, much like I thought he would. At one point he might have laughed at what I'd said and I would have smiled back, but there was nothing about this situation that seemed even remotely funny. Although I wasn't surprised by Harry's clear dismissal of my words, I was shocked when he strode confidently forward, his dark eyes watching me as I stood completely still.

I froze as his palms cradled my cheeks gently, his large hands able to fully grasp my face. A soft breath puffed from my lips at his touch. It wasn't demanding or mean, but instead warm and almost comforting. For the first time in a long time, not only my body but also my mind longed for his hands to stay there, to keep that undeniable warmth.

I opened my mouth to speak, to question Harry's surprising actions, but his lips interrupted the words beginning to flow from me as he leaned down, his mouth connecting with mine. Once again I fell still beneath him. He moved slowly against me, taking advantage of my parted lips to swipe his tongue across my lower one. A shudder ran through my body and my mouth began to move of it's own accord, responding to Harry's gentle touches.

"Harry," I breathed. I forced myself slightly away from him, but I couldn't go far with his hands wrapped gently under my jaw. His dark eyes bore into mine, the intensity enough to ignite another shiver down my spine. "This is--you can't just do this." My voice was shaky, my mind an incoherent mess. I wondered if my words even made sense.

"Shh," he hushed, resting his forehead against mine briefly. "Shh." His lips pressed fervently to mine again, the sensual movements breaking through my barriers. My hands practically flew to his curls, twisting the ringlets between my fingers. His tresses were soft against my digits, and I tugged lightly on them, which only elicited a small moan from Harry, his lips moving a bit more quickly against mine as his hands left my face and pressed tightly into my waist instead.

I was sure that I could stay there forever, kissing Harry as if nothing was wrong, as if we weren't two shattered humans, but Harry's lips broke away from mine, hovering just within reach as he breathed out four words, "Who were you calling?"

My eyes flashed open, my body immediately moving to distance myself from him. Instinctively, I wiped a hand across my mouth, grimacing at what had just happened--at what I had just let happen.

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