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Don't you fucking touch her." Harry's voice now resounded through the room, darker and angrier than I had ever heard it before. My eyes raked over his tense form from where I lay, still chained at the wrists with one arm held tightly between Seth's hands.

His legs were spread slightly apart, his hands balled into fists at his sides. The curls that usually flopped over his face were pushed back from his forehead, revealing his pale face and black eyes. He looked absolutely terrifying, and for the first time since I'd met him, I could see the monster that everyone made him out to be.

And despite the fact that Harry was walking in here and demanding Seth not to touch me, I still felt an overwhelming fear towards him that I no longer possessed for Seth. They had both hurt me, just in different ways, and I knew that Harry had hurt me far worse. The physical marks that Seth left would fade, but Harry had left permanent scars across my heart that would never disappear.

Seth didn't loosen his grip on my arm. Instead he laughed and shook his head in clear amusement which only heightened Harry's anger based on the way he was glaring at Seth as if he could murder him on the spot. I didn't doubt that he could.

"The fact that you think that you can just barge in here and tell me what to do is humorous," Seth stated, smirking over at Harry. I felt compelled to warn him to not push Harry's buttons, but it wasn't my job to protect Seth, nor did I particularly want to.

"The fact that you think it's ever okay to touch a woman the way you do is absolutely disgusting," Harry spat back, though he remained in the doorway, the bright light from outside shining around him. It reminded me vaguely of an angel. A fallen angel maybe.

"What are you doing here?" Seth changed the subject, obviously not able to form a good comeback.

"I came to get what's mine," Harry answered, ignoring Seth's lack of response for the most part. His eyebrows were raised as if he were still waiting for it though.

"I told you I couldn't get your damn sister--"

"I'm not talking about Gemma," Harry cut him off stiffly. "I'm talking about Alice."

The tension that settled in the room was almost palpable. Silence ensued, so quiet that I could almost hear my heart thudding heavily against my chest. I wasn't sure what I hated more: the idea of being with Seth or the idea of being with Harry. It was scary how quickly everything had changed.

"I think it'd be easier for you to get your sister back," Seth said, his grip tightening almost instinctively around my arm. I let out a hiss of indignant pain and Harry's eyes flashed to me. "Let her go," he said, his voice lower than before.

"What'll you do if I don't, Styles?" Seth raised an eyebrow. "You going to stomp over here and flick your curls at me?" Seth was intentionally working Harry up. He was trying to get him angrier than he already was.

Harry's next breath was strained and I could tell that he knew what Seth was doing and was attempting to hold in the immense amount of hostility that was pouring off of him in invisible waves.

"You know what you are, Seth?" Harry asked, regaining some of his composure. "You're a coward. You stand there and hurt the most sweet and pure person I've ever met. You stand there and corrupther, yet all you do is taunt me. Why don't you pick on someone your own size, so to speak. Why don't you admit that you're afraid of me?"

Harry's words confused me. I felt like they were a jumble of several things, but I understood the gist of what he was trying to get across. Seth had claimed that he was intimidated by Harry, and rightly so, but was he scared of him? Were his threats meaningless?

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