Niall Horan Dirty Imagine (10)

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"Patient 122!"

I looked up from my phone and saw the lady standing next to the door immediately, I had to come to the doctor today because sadly I was due for a yearly check up for Ballet, and I absolutely hated them, they made me undress all the way and I was only left in fucking newspaper and a string tied around it and yes it was also very embarrassing. I wasn't very body confident because people at school call me fat 25/8 and I started to believe it even though I was only 130 pounds.

I stood up and grabbed my bag, I don't like my parents coming with me for these types of check ups because it was not necessary, so I drove myself.

The nurse walked me through a long hallway and handed me the "newspaper" gown "If you'll get changed for me Mr. Horan will be in here soon enough." She said with a smile "Wait who's Mr. Horan, what happened to my usual know the kind that was a girl?"

"She had to go out of town for her honeymoon sorry hun." She spoke apologetic

Great...just fucking great because this is exactly what I needed right now. The lady walked out of the room back to the front desk, I walked the other way to the bathroom down the hall to change. I slipped off my sweats and tank top and put on the gown and kept my socks on.

I looked in the mirror and pulled my hair over my right shoulder and sucked in a long string of air "Well here goes..." I picked up my clothes and folded them and placed them into my book bag and walked out of the bathroom back into the room to wait for this new Doctor she spoke of...I swear I didn't like the feeling of this.

15 Minutes Later

*Knock Knock*

"Hi, I'm Mr. Horan

He walked inside of the room and my mouth dropped, THIS DUDE WAS A FUCKING GOD he had glasses that sat casually on his nose and his hair spiked up into a quiff 

I cleared my throat when he took a seat and looked up at me "Hi, my name's (y/n)"

"Well nice to meet you (y/n) Can I have you walk over here to check your weight and height??" I walked over to the scale and took my socks off and I noticed him staring at my feet really intently, but chose to brush it off, I mean it wasn't like they were flawlessly painted except some pink nail polish with a white design

"Well nice to meet you (y/n) Can I have you walk over here to check your weight and height??" I walked over to the scale and took my socks off and I noticed him staring at my feet really intently, but chose to brush it off, I mean it wasn't like t...

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"Okay 133 is your weight, now can you turn around so I can get your height?"

I turned around to face forward and he leaned over to fix the height scale and accidentally brushed himself  against my hand "Fuck" he said really quietly hoping I didn't hear and I chose to let him think that. He cleared his throat after writing my height down, "Okay can I have you step down and stand in front of me facing away?" I walked off the scale and walked to the center of the room "Okay can you bend over and touch your toes for me, or further if you can?" I didn't question him being a perv because this is the usual, he's supposed to do this. I bent over exposing my ass in my thong and touched the floor with my palms flat on the ground. "Okay great now can you sit down on the floor for me with your legs spread out??" He asked "Excuse me?!?"

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