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Sorry for not updating anything in a little while! I've been really busy but school is almost over so I'll get better at updating all 3 books!


Scott and Blake are driving back to the house when Laine calls Scott, "Hey, Lae. What's up?"

"How far are you?"

"Just a few blocks away. Everything alright?"

"Momma's having a panic attack."

"Shit. Keep him talking and grounded, okay? He can't get too in his head." They get to the house and Scott runs inside to see Mitch curled into a corner while crying and shaking.

Laine steps back and watches with Blake as Scott kneels down in front of Mitch, grabbing one of his hands.

"Hey, look at me. Baby boy, I need you to look at me." Mitch slowly looks at Scott.

"S-She c-came back.."

"No, love, she didn't come back. You're okay."

"W-What if she f-finds me again?"

"She won't, sweet boy, she won't find you. And if she does, I'll protect you. She can't hurt you anymore." Scott moves so he's sitting against the wall, next to Mitch.

"I c-can't... I can't..."

"Shhh.. Listen to me. Focus on my voice, can you do that for me? What do you need, love?" Mitch lets go of Scott's hand and wraps his arms around Scott's neck. Scott gets the idea and pulls Mitch into his lap, running a hand up and down the brunette's back as he holds him tightly.


"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine,
You make me happy when skies are gray,
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you,
Please don't take my sunshine away." Scott feels Mitch start to calm down a little and continues,

"I'll always love you and make you happy,
If you will only say the same,
But if you leave me and love another,
You'll regret it all some day." He hears Mitch stop crying as he rests his head on Scott's chest, hands gripping the shirt in front of him.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine,
You make me happy when skies are gray,
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you,
Please don't take my sunshine away."

"I love you, Angel."

"I love you too." Scott keeps running his hand up and down Mitch's back and humming until the smaller boy falls asleep, which is when Blake and Laine sit in front of Scott.

"Is he okay?" Laine asks, concerned about what just happened. Scott looks down at him for a second before looking back up at the two teenagers.

"Yeah, he is now."

"Who was he talking about?" Blake questions after a few minutes.

Scott sighs, "You know how he's had a rough past, but we never told you the whole story. There was a girl who volunteered at our theatre group and she had a huge crush on Mitch. We started dating when we were 16 and that girl wasn't very happy about it. I don't know why, considering she was 21, but she didn't like the fact that Mitch was gay... and taken."

"What did she do to him?"

"She invited him over one night and he said yes, he thought she was just lonely and needed a friend. We didn't see him for over a week. She tried to turn him straight; she electrocuted him, drowned him, burned him, you name it. One day I went looking for him at her house and she said that either I have to.. pleasure her.. or she'll do it to Mitch. I knew he had never done that and I wasn't about to let her take it, so I did it but she made Mitch watch."

"This was all just so she could have him?"

"Yeah. She wanted him all to himself so she wanted his virginity, too. But he was so weak from everything else she put him through, he couldn't answer her when she asked if he had ever done it. I said he had when she asked me because I figured it would help him and I told her I hadn't even though I had."

"You suffered, too. How do you seem so okay?"

"I wasn't for a while, I felt like I had betrayed Mitch and it took a long time to realize I did nothing wrong. I'm fine now, but he was the one who had been tortured for eleven days straight."

"But he never had attacks before."

"He goes into our room at home when he has a flashback and it helps him calm down. We're not at home, obviously, so he didn't have that option."

"What do we do if you're not with us when he has one?"

"Keeep him talking, ask him small and easy to questions. Help him control his breathing and help him become aware of his surroundings. Don't panic, it'll just make it worse. Singing helps him a lot, especially very calm songs. You have to be very clear when you're talking to him, or he won't understand. And you'll have to reassure him."

"What if I can't?" Laine starts to worry about Mitch.

"Then get Blake or call me. It'll be okay." Scott calmly tells her.

"Okay.." Mitch wakes up a few minutes later and looks up at Scott.


"Hi, love."

"Can we look at the beach?"

"Of course, baby." Scott helps Mitch stand up and they walk outside to sit on the balcony with the kids.

"We love you, Momma." Blake reminds him.

Mitch looks over at them and smiles, "I love you guys too."


Ok, I realized, while writing this, that everything bad happens to Mitch in my books but I can't fix that now so I hope you guys aren't too sick of it!

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