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"We're going down to the beach, are you coming?" Blake asks his parents as he and Laine are about to open the door to leave.

"I'll be down a little later, you go ahead without me." Mitch tells them.

"Okay, Dad?"

"I'll come down with Momma, love you."

"Love you, too." They walk out of the house and Mitch immediately lays on Scott.

"Hi, baby."

"Hi, Scotty."

"You should make me food."


"Because you love me." Scott's phone dings and Mitch sees the message before he gets up.

"Who's calling you babe?"


"Someone just texted you and called you babe, who is it?"

"Baby, don't do this. You make yourself paranoid and think I'm going to leave you and be with someone else." Scott stands as well.

"Oh because you know me so well."

"Well, considering we've known each other for majority of our lives, I'm going to have to say yeah, I know you pretty well."

"Then you would know that I don't like you calling other people babe!"

"It's a good thing I'm not calling anyone babe! I don't even call you babe because you don't like the name very much!"

"Stop saying you know me!"

Scott's taken aback by that, "After almost twenty years of being married, you don't think I know my own partner? I'm with you almost every second of everyday."

"Yeah? Where were you when I had that panic attack?"

"With our son! Mitch, it's not my fault I was out when you had a flashback. But, I can guarantee that we sped home so I could help you because I knew you needed it. Why? Because I fucking know you!"

"Stop saying that, Scott!"

"Why? Because you know I'm right?"

"No, because you're being a huge pain in the ass right now!"

Scott scoffs and starts to walk away before turning around, "I gave up so much for you. I've done so much for you. I've stayed up late, thinking about some of the things you do to try to understand it because God forbid that stuff has anything to do with that time and I can't help you because I don't understand. So, yeah, I do know you and your stubborn ass can stop shooting me down about it. This is a stupid fucking fight that the kids are going to come home and see. I understand you have trust issues, and that's very hard to deal with, but it really hurts when after all these years, you... you don't trust me at all." Scott's voice breaks at the end of that and he walks away, slamming the bedroom door behind him.

Mitch covers his mouth and starts to cry after he hears a faint sob come from their room. He sits on the couch and pulls his knees to his chest before just zoning out as tears run down his face. He doesn't know how much time has past, he just knows that Blake and Laine come home after a while.

"Hi, Momma. Where's Dad?" Laine asks as they walk in.

"Hi, loves. He's in our room."

Blake sits next to Mitch, "Are you okay?" Mitch shakes his head and starts to cry again as Blake pulls him in for a hug.

"Go to Dad." Blake mouths to Laine, who just nods in response. She opens the door to see Scott sitting on the edge of the bed with his elbows resting on his knees and his head in his hands.

"Dad?" She closes the door behind her and sits next to Scott.

"Hey, babygirl."

"Dad, what happened?"

"We got into a fight."

"I figured as much. Why? You two never fight."

"Mason jokingly called me babe and Mitch saw. Then we got onto the fact that, according to him, I don't know him at all. Then I gave him a big long speech before coming in here. I get that he's scared, but I can't help but feel hurt by that."

"You're allowed to have your moments, Dad. I know you think this is a stupid fight, and maybe it is, but you do know and love Momma and he knows that. But if he's scared, he's going to deny that as much as he can because it'll hurt him less if you were to leave him for Mason."

"So I'm in the wrong here?"

"You both are. Fights take two people to happen."

"Thanks, Lae. I'm glad we have such a genius for a daughter."

"I love you."

"I love you, too." Laine hugs him for a little while before going back out and getting Blake's attention.

"Switch." She mouths. Blake gets up and goes back to Scott while Laine goes to Mitch.

"Momma, what's wrong?"

"I'm such a fucking asshole."

"Okay, why?"

"Mason called Scott 'babe' and I get it was probably a joke but he knows I don't like it. I know this is my fault and that it's a stupid fight and I know he's hurt because of me."

"You both know it's stupid, so why is it happening?"

"I hurt him."

"By telling him he doesn't know you."

"Exactly. So, I'm probably sleeping on the couch tonight because it's getting late and I won't let him sleep on it 'cause of his scoliosis."

"Okay, Momma. I love you."

"I love you, too. Sleep well, love."

"As long as you do the same." A few minutes later, Blake walks out of the room.

"Good night, Momma. I love you."

"I love you too, B. Sleep well."

"You too." He goes to his room and closes the door. Mitch grabs the blankets that were sitting on the other chair and lays back down with them before falling asleep.

He wakes up around 2:00 AM and as much as he tries, he can't fall back asleep. He gets up and goes into his and Scott's room to see Scott peacefully asleep. Mitch quietly closes the door and lays down on his side of the bed, staying as far from Scott as he can so he doesn't disturb the blond.

He closes his eyes after a few minutes and feels two strong arms pulling him into his chest. Mitch looks up at him, "I'm so sorry."

"I know, baby boy. I forgive you and I'm sorry, too."

"I forgive you. I love you, Scotty."

"I love you, my sweet boy." Scott pulls Mitch impossible closer and holds him tightly, both of them falling asleep almost instantly.


Drama before a little fluff.

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