Chapter 5

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I hope that Jeff actually had a good time. Or otherwise this isn't going as planned. I mean we laid out on the hood for hours, talking about the stars and the myths. Now we're laying in the car, but his moms thinks we are at Clarence's house sleeping, and trying to sleep. But it isn't working.

I can't help but want to talk or stare at Jeff all night. I want to talk to him more and more but somehow I couldn't think of anything. I couldn't do anything but look at him. Laying on my side, having nothing but my clothes on my back and the car heater on. But there's something that makes my heart skips a beat every now and then.

His eyes looked at mine, never taking away. His hair fell over his forehead, every now and then he brushed them away. His soft skin look paler under the moonlight but sadly it's covered in goosebumps. He rubbed his arms, trying to warm himself.

"Cold?" I asked.

Right now, I never wanted to slap myself so bad. I just can't believe I asked that. Of course he's cold you dolt! Or he wouldn't have goosebumps or rubbing his arms. Why am I so stupid, sometimes?

Jeff laughed, "A little."

I sat up and reached behind me, grabbing my jackets. Why do I have two? No idea, just don't wear leather and hoodies. You'll burn up like a sauna. I passed him my hoodie, he looked at me and then put it on. I smiled as I put back my leather jacket and pulled my seat up. Jeff raised his eyebrow and sat up.

"What are you doing?" Jeff asked.

"I'm taking you to Clarence's." I reply.

"What! Why?"

"Well, I don't want you cold anymore nor do I want you to get a cold. So I'll take you to Clarence's for a good night rest."

"What about you, Sumo?"

"You still have clothes at his house?"

Jeff nodded.

"Good, and I'll pick you guys up in the morning at eight. Sounds good?"

Jeff nodded again but he is frowning. I don't know what I did wrong. I started the car and Jeff quickly put the radio on loud so we couldn't speak to each other. I glanced at him, wanting to know what's wrong but Jeff didn't know that I am looking at him. Selena Gomez is playing and that's Jeff's favorite singer. 

I made my way to Clarence's house, nodding along with the music. Thank God that I have that AUX chord or otherwise I'll be screwed. I pulled up at Clarence's place and thanked everything that his bedroom light is still on. Turning off the car with a sigh, I turn to look over at Jeff. 

He is holding onto the jacket for dear life, which actually makes me feel better. Jeff looked over, his face turning red. 

"Thank you so much." Jeff mumbled.

"No problem." I said.

"I had fun, Sumo. Like a lot of fun."

"I always have fun with you, Jeff."

He smiled and nodded. I turn to the other side to get his books but something kissed my cheek. My face  burn bright red as I heard the door slam close. I looked outside and saw Jeff running towards the front door. He covered his mouth but he look back. His eyes widen when he caught me staring. I smirked and winked towards him.

With that single wink he ran inside Clarence's house.


"He kissed your cheek!"


"And then what happened?"

"What you mean, Belson?"

"Sumo, what Belson means is what happened next! Did you grab him by the face and kissed him? Or did you give a hand job? Or a blow job? Please tell you didn't give him a hand or blow job on the first night alone, together!"

"Clarence!" I yelled with my face burning.

"What?" Clarence asked. "I gave Belson a hand job on our first date."

"Clarence!" Belson and I both yelled together, faces red.

Clarence raised his eyebrow, confused on why we are both yelling out his name. But I wish he didn't tell me what he did. I always knew that Clarence and Belson are sexually active, I mean I walked on them one time. Luckily they didn't see me or not lucky? I don't know what to think but I wish I would've knocked first. 

Which is why I always knock first.

Belson gave a quick glare towards Clarence then looked back at me.

"Well after he gave you a kiss on the cheek what did you do then? Did you do anything afterwards or did you just stare into space like an idiot?" Belson asked.

"First off, rude. And second off, I did do something." I mumbled the last part.

"He winked at Jeff!" Clarence exclaimed.

Thank God that we're in my car and this is our free period.

"Woah, seriously? That takes guts." Belson said.

"Total guts. Belson didn't wink at me until our fourth month being together." Clarence said.

Belson sighed, "Are you going to share everything about our relationship?" 

"I could." Clarence said with a smirk. "Like you get a hard on when I ki-."

"Nope!" Belson yelled as he slapped his hands over Clarence's mouth. "You are not saying that."

I sighed, loving that they have each other. While I pine after a guy who kissed my cheek then ran away. Why is this making me sound like Cinderella? I don't want that or do I? I mean I'm not princess, unless I'm one with a leather dress, but there's no way that I'm a princess. I think I'm more of a Robin Hood kinda of guy. Just looking for a heart to steal.

Hold on a second, I'm not Robin Hood. I haven't stolen a heart! Jeff did! 

Jeffrey Randell is my Robin Hood!

Oh yeah, I thought with a nod. I must look like a crazy person nodding to myself because I called my crush Robin Hood. And I'm fine with that. I like the idea of Jeff being Robin Hood, I could work with that. 

"Hey Sumo." I heard Jeff said.

Speak of the good looking angel guy who walked in my life and changed everything to a better life. 

"Hello Jeffrey," I said as I turn to look at him. "Had a nice sleep?"

"Of course."

"Also I loved our last moments with each other. Such a life changing thing."

He turn a bright red before taking a seat next to me. If I make a bold move right now and he doesn't like it then all my hard work would be for nothing. So instead of being a big baby I made my bold move. Pushing our legs together, his voice got caught in his throat, and I grabbed his hand from underneath the table.

"Nice to see you again, Jeffrey."

Heyyo Guys!!!!!!!!!!

What we thinks???? Jeff??? Sumo??? Jeff kissing Sumo's cheek??? Sumo's bold move??? Well tell me your thoughts!!!!!!!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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