Chapter 3

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When I came home from school today I was met with an empty house. My dad must be with his new girlfriend. How do I know that he has a girlfriend you might ask? Well one day he came home and I could smell her on him. How is that, well you see I am an omega so when he has been around another omega I can tell. That day I asked him about it and he told me that he does have a new girlfriend but did not know yet that she was an omega. How could he not tell she was an omega? Well he is not a wolf like me. He is a human and he adopted me when I was 2. He did not know at the time that I was an omega and didn't know until I got my first heat and asked him what was wrong with me and how I could make it better. He had to think for a little before he knew what was wrong and he told me that I went into my first heat and immediately went to the store to buy me some sex toys and suppressants so it wasn't as easily smelled by close by alphas. And to say that was the weirdest and most embarrassing of my life is an understatement. And to make it worse my dad is human so he doesn't know what its like only what is needed and so it was weird especially because I was only 12 at the time.

Another thing was I thought that he was going to hate me when he found out because most humans don't like alpha or omega people. I was so lucky that he was there for me because most wouldn't be there for me. It was because of this that I was so happy to find out about Anne being an omega. With her being an omega I now have a person who understands what it is like to be an omega. I know Daniel tries so hard for me but it was so nice the first time I met her because I immediately had a connection with her. We talked about everything from me being adopted to her kids, Harry and Edward, and them being alpha twins and about our past heats and even upcoming ones witch to most would sound weird for just meeting but we had a blast together.

Only a few hours after I got home Daniel walked through the door. I was in the kitchen making us dinner when he walked in.

"Hey son, how was your last day of school?"

"It was ok...... I had to do a project in science today but because it was the last day it was easy, how was your day?"

"it was great actually until like 45 minutes ago"

"what happened?"

"I went to Anne's house and you know that her boys don't know we are dating yet right" he looked at me and I nodded "okay so when they got home I was there and they were not happy. When she got them calmed down she decided to tell them we are dating and that we are now engaged. She told them my name and than the taller one I think his name is Edward started to yell and so I just decided to give them some space and I left to come home" He finished with a deep breath.

It took me a minute to process all of that. When I finally did I looked back at him.

"you and Anne are engaged? When did this happen?"

"yes we are and it just happened today when we went out for lunch.....your not mad are you"

"I'm not mad I love Anne and I know you do as well and I also know she makes you happy so that makes me even happier for you"

"Thank you so much for being okay with this it means everything to me" and I just nodded before giving him a hug.

Well I guess I am getting a new mom and two new brothers. Lets just hope it goes as planed. Little did I know this was going to end up being one of the best and worst things to happen to me in my life.

(A/N) So this is chapter 3 I hope you liked it and I think I will try to have two chapters a week if not more but I cant promise anything. I am on vacation right now and I finally had a place with wifi so I could type this up lol. please vote if you like a chapter and be looking for the next one coming next week. I love yall so much thank you. bye 💚💙💚💙


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