Chapter 11

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            It had been about fifteen minutes after mom and Daniel had left that all of the guests had left as well. Once the last of them had gone I had to go find Harry so we could start cleaning up before we had to leave and get Louis things and take them to the house. When I found him he was helping an elder lady get to her car okay.  As he finished with that he saw me standing off to the side and so he started walking over to me.

"Well I think that is the last of the guests so we probably need to find Louis and start cleaning up" I told him when he finally reached me. 

"Well why don't you go and try to find him while I start cleaning up? "

"Okay, sounds good I'll see you in a minute" And so I walked off in search of Louis while he went back to the room to start cleaning.

      It was a little while later that I finally found Louis in the men's room.  He had been changing from his dress into some more comfortable clothes. When I walked in he was standing there in nothing but a pair of white panties. When he saw me he quickly tried to cover himself with his dress but it was to late I already had seen him and have a semi in my trousers.

"Ummm.... Sorry I just walked in without knocking. I was just trying to find you so we could clean up and get going."

"O-Oh that's o-ok I was just c-changing so it would be easier to work."

"That's fine just come back to the main room when your done that is where we will be cleaning up."

"O-Ok, I'll be right there." And so with that I left to go back to help Harry clean up.

                     A few hours later

       We had finally finished unloading the last of Louis things into the house.  We all made our way back into the house and flopped down onto the chairs in the living area.

"Finally I'm glad we are finished. Who knew you would have so many things." Harry said as he sat down on my lap instead of one if the other chairs.

"I know. I am just ready to go to bed."
I said a s I wrapped my arms around Harry's waist. We looked up when Louis started to talk.

"Well since we are all very tired and I know we don't want to put my bed together at the moment. Is there somewhere I can sleep tonight and we can do my room tomorrow."

"Yeah you can sleep in one of our beds. We usually share a bed at night anyway. Because I know I don't want to put your bed up tonight either." I said back to him.

"If that's ok with you that is?" Harry added after.

"Yeah that's ok with me. Thank you. Well I think we should go to bed so can you show me the way to the room I will be staying in." Louis said as he stood up.

"Umm... We share a room so you will just be sleeping in one bed and us in the other is that still ok with you?" Is asked because I didn't want him to be uncomfortable because he would be sharing a room with two Alphas.

"Oh ok that's ok as long as you stay on your bed I will be ok with that." He spoke in a shy voice.

"Ok than let's get to bed shall we?" Harry said as he stood up and lead the way to the room. And so that's what we did.

(A/N)    Hey I wanted to say a huge thank you for the ones who said for new to get better and gave me nice words. I thank you so much for them and am glad that I am back writing. I hope y'all liked this chapter and I will try to have one or two out tomorrow because I told you I would. I wanted to put this up and say I love all of you and I am so glad you are reading and loving my story so please continue to vote for chapters you like and comment as much as you want I love to here your feedback. I hope you have a great rest of your day. I love y'all again. Bye. 💙💚💙💚


(P. S)   One of Liam's new songs at the top.

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