Chapter 14

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😁 Me up top😁

Two weeks later


Today was when Anne and my dad was coming home. Harry, Edward, and I were going to be picking them up from the airport. We were about ready to get in the car when I started to get a little dizzy and nauseous. It was only a matter of a few minutes and I was leaning over the toilet emptying everything I had just eaten for breakfast. While I was getting sick I felt a hand rubbing soothing circles on my back. When I finished I sat back up and layed back into the chest of the person behind me only now knowing that it was Edward.

"Are you ok Angel?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine it must have just been something I ate for breakfast." I said quietly back just as Harry walked in with a glass of water for me.

"Here you go babe drink this" He told me as he handed me the glass filled with water. After I had drank all the water I handed him the cup back. They helped me stand up and I brushed my teeth again to get rid of the taste of vomit and we left to go and get our parents.

At the Airport


When we reached the airport we made our way to the pickup area. There was a lot of people there so we had a harder time trying to find our parents.

"Do you see them anywhere?" Harry asked

"No what about you Lou?" I asked him

"Of course I can't see them if you two can't I'm to damn short." He said aggravated.

"First of all don't use that kind of language with me, and second your not to short because you are a perfect size to do this." I said back before I quickly picked him up and sat him on my shoulders. He let out a small yelp at this along with hitting me in the back of the head.

"What do you think you are doing, put me down this instant!" He said trying to hide his small giggles.

"No I think I will keep you right where you are" I chuckle "Now can you see them though" I asked.

"Oh yeah they are over there!" He said pointing in the direction where he could see them. "Now can you put me down? " He said as he started to squirm on my shoulders. So with a little help from Harry we got him off my shoulders and started to walk in the direction of where our parents were.

As soon as our mom saw us she dropped her bags before running over to hug us. I could tell that Daniel was a bit confused when she just dropped her bags and took off but as soon as he saw us three he just smiled and grabbed her bags and walked over to join us.

"Oh I missed you boys so much" She said with a few tears falling down her face.

"We missed you too mom." Harry and I said back as we hugged her. When we looked to see where Louis went we saw him and Daniel doing the same.

Once we all finished with the hellos again we all piled into the car and made our way back home. It was silent with just the quiet radio and a few light snores from Louis as he slept with his head on my shoulder.

(A/N) Hello I'm sry that it took so long for me to update things have been crazy for me and my family. One thing good that has happened tho was I finally got to change my last name to Dake today witch is my grandparents last name. They have raised me and taken care of me my whole life and so to me it is big to be able to say that I have there last name. Even if it took 17 years lol. I hope you all like this update and keep commenting and voting if you do. It helps me want to weight more and also I just love to here from y'all. Also I wanted to thank you for getting this story up to 669 reads that is amazing and I can't say how much that means to me. I will update soon. I love you all so much and thank you again. Bye. 💚💙💚💙

~Tabetha Dake 😁

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