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Hacking something that was not designed to be interfaced with was always an odd sensation for Lars. Forcing himself into the cyberspace of a processor or switchboard like that required considerable amounts of energy just to cross over the threshold.

But "hacking" something that was technically not even a computer was an even weirder feeling. Passing into the power lines underneath the gravity panels felt to Lars like he had to force himself through a narrow grid that sliced his presence into myriads of thin strings. It was not exactly painful, because he was unable to sense physical pain upon leaving the body behind, but it was unsettling.

The space beyond was strange, colorless and two-dimensional. It was not intended to be accessed by any kind of program, let alone an autonomous AI. It was disturbing, and urged him to hurry forward until he reached one of the processing and monitoring units that were part of the artificial gravity system. It was a primitive switch, but that did not make hacking it easier. Often, the simplest systems regulated the most complex processes, because those had to be robust. But he had seen this particular cyberspace architecture before, when they had hacked these systems to create a distraction after their cover had been blown.

He worked fast, knowing that with every second their body was connected to this system they were running the risk of electrocuting themselves. In cyberspace, a moment could feel like an eon to Lars. In the real world, it only took a microsecond from the moment Null placed their hands on the exposed wires to the moment the system overcharged.

Sparks of electricity began to fly from the exposed wires under the broken floor panel. Lars rushed back to his place at Null's side at the same moment as the first spark jumped across onto the vines of Starseed. She withdrew her hands and recoiled back with a gasp of pain.

Lightning surged across the black vines, spreading outward from their position and across the dark green foliage, toward Yaremova who was still immobilized amidst the plants. One brief moment, the Major General's eyes widened with surprise, the next, she screamed and convulsed with pain as a jolt of electricity passed through her body. And then her eyes rolled back into thei sockets, her body went limp, and she collapsed into the Starseed at her feet.

Null, are you alright? Lars asked. Are you hurt?

She just sat there like paralyzed for a moment and stared at the lifeless body a few feet away. Their breathing was erratic and their heart was still racing from the fight. But any pain was dulled out by the adrenaline and their combat augments.

I'm okay, she said quietly as she got up to her feet. I'm just a bit surprised this actually worked.

That makes both of us, he replied drily.

She stretched their fingers and clenched them into a fist again to get rid of the uncomfortable tingling where the electricity had brushed them. Around them, a few lingering sparks cackled across the dark vines, but the rest of the charge had dissipated. They had been lucky, it had been barely enough to reach Yaremova without spreading too far and reaching any of the plants that stood in full, volatile bloom further away.

The augments held, she commented. Cyril did a good job.

Let's remember to thank him for it the next time we see him, Lars suggested.

Suddenly, from somewhere within the maze of hydroponic racks, they could hear shots ring out.

Nova?! she thought.

Don't! Lars muffled her before she could call out for him a second time, If you connect to him again, he'll have a much harder time doing whatever it is he's doing right now.

Against the Tide - A New Elysium Story [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now