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Gally felt his blood freeze as chills electrified his body. He now stared at Blair in a serious silence, too shocked by what he'd just heard to reply. Finally, he found his voice, "I what?"

Blair felt her heartbeat accelerate as she took a deep breath and began to explain. "When I found you with that spear in your chest, you were just barely clinging to your life," she began, "I watched your life leave your body, and I panicked. I did the only thing I thought might help; I cut my hand open and let it drip over your wound."

Gally was at a loss for words as his eyes fixed on hers. "It took a few minutes, but your heart started beating again, and you stopped bleeding," Blair continued, "you woke up a couple days later."

"I-" Gally chocked on his own words, "how is that possible."

"Well, like I said before," Blair restated, "WCKD wanted a miracle; my blood isn't just regular blood."

Suddenly, as if he'd finally completely understood the situation, Gally sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "That's why you bled on Maya," he guessed. But there was something uncomfortable able his tone, sadness and regret.

Blair propped herself up on her elbows and asked in a serious voice, "Gally, where is Maya?"

His face looked gloomy as Gally let his head fall. Staring down at the ground, he spoke reluctantly, "early this morning, a team assembled to take care of the dead..."

Blair knew what that meant, all of the people who'd died, all of the bodies that litered the city after the shooting, were taken far away and burnt.

"Blair..I'm sorry-"

"No, it's my fault," Blair interrupted angrily. Her heart felt an ache it had never felt before, it was an unpleasant longing and regret.

Not sure what to say, Gally remained silent as he remained knelt in his place beside Blair. He took her hand in his and squeezed it for a while. After long, Gally rose to his feet. "Don't think about it right now," he spoke in a stern yet comforting voice, "focus on getting better."

With one last hard squeeze of her hand, Gally let go and walked away. Blair was left only with her thoughts as she stared up at the ceiling. And when she closed her eyes, all she saw was Maya. Her memories were so vivid, it was as if the young girl had never died.

So Blair kept her eyes closed tight, shutting out reality as she imagined Maya's smiling face illuminated by the light of the sun.

But eventually, she would have to open her eyes; eventually Blair would have to face the death of her dear friend.


"Hey, Blair," a soft voice began to pull her out of her thoughts. "Wake up," it urged, "you need water."

Blair groaned in irritation and opened her tired eyelids. Squinting in the afternoon light that shown in through holes in the walls, she looked around. Beside her sat Thomas, holding a cantine of water.

Slowly, she sat up. "How long was I asleep?" Blair asked, rubbing her eyes with her fists.

"Since this time yesterday," Thomas answered, a look of concern on his face, "you haven't eaten or drank since the night we got Theresa." That being said, Thomas held the cantine out to Blair.

After giving the water a long hard look, Blair pushed it away, "I don't need it." With that she stood up, wincing slightly at the lessening pain of her wounds. She gently unwrapped her shoulder, revealing a large bump of a purple scar surrounded by purple and black bruising.

Tossing the dirty bandage to the ground, Blair began to walk away from Thomas.

"What-Blair," Thomas stuttered as he stumbled after her.

But nothing would stop her. A determined look in her eyes, Blair walked on, ignoring the world around her.

Thomas stopped following when he realized it was useless; there was no way she would talk to him right then. "Where's she going?" He asked Gally, who leaned against a wall watching Blair leave as well.

Gally crossed his arms and frowned in pity, "I got a hunch."

The Survivor - Thomas (The Maze Runner) Where stories live. Discover now