Chapter 3

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Lincoln woke up and sat up in bed. He stretched and felt something strange. He padded his bed to feel something other than his leg. He lifted up the blanket to reveal Zonta... sleeping next to him with her arms around him. He looked at her with surprise and felt his cheeks heat up. He had a roaring blush and started sweating. He then shook her and she started to wake up

Zonta: *Yawn* what time is it?

Lincoln: (Flustered) Z-Zonta, w-what are y-you doing in m-my bed?

Zonta: What are you talking about? (Looks at how close she is to Lincoln and quickly hops off the bed) I'm sorry, Lincoln

Lincoln: (Nervous) I-It's nothing, j-just make s-sure that it doesn't h-happen again

Zonta: (Blushing) S-shall we go on with our day?

Lincoln: Y-yeah, let's do that. May you please leave my room while I get dressed?

Zonta: Y-yes, sir,

Zonta left the room while Lincoln had a puzzled look on his face.

Lincoln: (Thoughts) Strange, she didn't call me master... but why was she sleeping in my bed... more importantly, what did she do while she was in my bed?

Zonta was having similar thoughts outside as she waited for Lincoln to get dressed.

Zonta: (Thoughts) crap, crap, crap, crap, I was sleeping with Lincoln, what will Mochni think? I know he had a good time last night with Lincoln, but what will he think when he sees his sister sleeping with her master?

Mochni saw Zonta thinking about something and landed on her shoulder

Mochni: Hey sis, how ya doing?

Zonta: (Startled) MOCHNI! Don't scare me like that,

Mochni: (Sarcastic) Aww I'm sorry, I should have woken you up earlier with your boyfriend

Zonta: Yeah, yeah, bu- what... did you say, boyfriend?

Mochni: Yes I did, I never knew you would have a crush on Lincoln-boy, and it's only been what, 8 days?

Zonta: (Threatening) You won't tell a soul, GOT IT!?

Mochni: Of course, of course... (Sarcastically) I also didn't take any pictures that's for sure

Zonta: (Threatening) Where are the pictures?

Mochni: Calm down, I have the pictures on my phone

Mochni pulled out an iPhone X and showed a picture of her sleeping with Lincoln and had Lincoln between her breasts. He then swiped to the left and it showed another picture of her cuddling Lincoln, except this time he was closer

Mochni: Now which one do you like, I personally like picture #1

Zonta tried to grab the phone, but Mochni flew off her shoulder and hovered above her with one wing

Zonta: (Threatening) GET BACK DOWN HERE!

Mochni: Hey, hey, hey, calm down before I post this on snap chat... or twitter... maybe facebook?


Mochni: Like what?

Zonta snapped her fingers and a small bundle of black leaves appeared, the leaves disappeared and it showed a rack full of Rock Music CD's and Video Games

Mochni: You wouldn't dare?!

Zonta: (Smirking) Try me

Mochni gave in and handed the phone to Zonta, who deleted the pictures and left Mochni with no blackmail. Mochni cried anime tears as Zonta walked away triumphantly, but then Mochni smirked

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