Chapter 5

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Lincoln: What do you mean 'where's my phone?' I thought you had it?!

Mochni: I thought so too, but I do- WAIT! I have a tracker!

Mochni then pulled out a small device and looked at the small screen

Mochni: Alright it's in the house... but it's in your sisters' room,

Lincoln: Which one?

Mochni: Looking at it... it's Lisa's

Lincoln: (Panicked) T-this is bad... wait, why is it bad?

Zonta: Yes, why should master Lincoln worry?

Mochni then started to twiddle his feathers and sweat. Mochni looked away and started mumbling

Mochni: I may or may not have... takenphotoswithoutyourpermission

Lincoln: Slow down what?

Mochni: (Nervous) I took photos of you and Zonta,

Zonta then grew a tick mark on her forehead and raised a fist. She cocked her arm back and punched Mochni through the house and into Lisa's room. Mochni hit a machine as Lisa looked up to see a bird without its feathers

Lisa: And how might you be my featherless aerial animal?

Lincoln heard Lisa's voice and raced down to her room. Lincoln kicked down the door, with surprising strength, and grabbed Mochni while at the same time taking the red phone. He then rushed out of the room. Lincoln got back into his room and locked the door. He put Mochni on the bed along with his phone and started to walk around his room

Lincoln: (Worried) T-that was close, but what did she find? What if she starts asking questions? What if they start asking questions? What if th-

Lincoln was stopped by Zonta kissing him and pulling him into a hug

Zonta: Master... Lincoln, it's too late for you to be thinking about something like this, now how about you get off to bed, hm?

Lincoln listened to her as he went to his bed, but then he heard



Lincoln's heart started to accelerate as he felt it beat against his ribs. He clutched his heart as he was worried that Lisa would rat him out. Soon he heard

Luna: Oh that's right, mom and dad left for a business trip... but let's go see if Lisa finished dudes!

Lincoln heard them walk up the stairs as Mochni woke up... with his feathers back


Mochni and Zonta started to put locks on the door with wood, chains, wielding, and a chair. When they were done, Lincoln saw that his door was completely blocked off

Mochni: That'll do, I think the only thing that can get through his would be a plasma cutter... and I don't think that they have one of those

Lincoln: Yeah... but we can't get out either,

Mochni: (Reassuring) That's what you think, I can get us out of here, remember?

Lincoln: Oh yeah... well, what now?

Zonta: Now we go to bed, goodnight Mochni

Mochni: Night for hopefully the final time

Lincoln: Night you two

Lincoln went back into his bed as Zonta joined him. Zonta wrapped her arms around Lincoln before putting earmuffs on her and Lincoln. Mochni grabbed something to cover his eyes, a nightcap, and somehow managed to put mascara on him along with cucumber slices. Soon he was asleep as were Zonta and Lincoln. While with the sisters

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