Chapter 8

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With Lincoln:

Lincoln sat on the couch with his sleeves rolled up. Ahiga and Aleshanee just took Adsila to the World of the Living and it was quiet. He took a deep breath as he looked at the ceiling of Mochni's home. Next to him was Zonta, who was reading a book

Lincoln: So, what is it you want to talk about?

Zonta: (Putting The Book away) Well... I think it's time we have another performance

Lincoln: (Surprised) R-really? Getting the band back together?

Zonta: Come on, it was just me, you and Mochni. It'll be easy to make the band again. Plus he's been pretty bored lately

Lincoln: Hm, it's been a long time since I went back to the World of the Living... I'll pack my things

Zonta: YAY!

Zonta raced past Lincoln as he walked toward their room to pack their things

A Few Hours Later, With Ahiga, Aleshanee, and Adsila:

Ahiga had Adsila on her leash while also carrying some bags, stuffed with video games and cloth. Adsila was playing with a 3DS as she was walking close to Ahiga as they followed Aleshanee, who was carrying several bags with her limbs

Aleshanee: Ahhh, that was the best shopping spree I've ever had. Right next to the Edo Era of Japan

Ahiga: You're telling me, I've never had to buy more than one bag!

Adsila: Can you keep it down, I'm trying to play

Ahiga just looked down at her as she then hit a pole. She let go of the 3DS and it flew into the air. Ahiga caught it as he bent down and looked at her. Her nose red read and she cried

Adsila: WAHHH!

Ahiga: Calm down, kid... come here

Ahiga then took her into a hug as she cried into his shoulder. Ahiga saved her game as he turned off the device and put it into one of his bags. He then picked her up as she cried

Ahiga: Listen, if there's no blood, then you shouldn't cry... I learned that the hard way

Adsila: R-r-really?

Ahiga: Of course, in fact, it'll make you stronger,

Adsila: A-are you s-sure?

Ahiga: Would I lie to you?

Adsila: N-no

Ahiga: Then trust me when I say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger

Adsila: O-okay... *Yawn* I-I'm tired~

Ahiga: Then just take a quick nap here, alright?

Ahiga waited for a response, but she was already asleep. Aleshanee looked at them with a smile as he looked at her

Ahiga: What?

Aleshanee: Oh nothing, just how cute you and Adsila look,

Ahiga: (blushing) Not a word, got it?!

Aleshanee: Of course, of course, now let's find a place where she can get some proper sleep. I'm thinking of a ho- Wait, do you feel that?

Ahiga then looked around with his sister as a gate appeared 10 feet away from them. Ahiga handed Adsila to her as he drew his weapon. He stepped in front of her as they walked closer. The gate then opened as they heard a familiar voice

Mochni: Ah, it's good to be back!

Ahiga: SHHH! Adsila is taking a nap, and what the hell man! You could have called

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