Chapter Omake... Sorta

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The Next Day:

Nobody was home as Mochni was sitting in his office. Leaning back into his chair with a cup of Jack, he took a sip as he looked at the ceiling

Mochni: So when can she start?

???: Anytime is fine, I don't really have any plans for the next hundred years

Mochni: Great, so~~ how about next week?

???: It's fine, but are you sure you want me to teach her that?

Mochni: Sure as sure can be! She's my niece and I want her to be safe

???: Okay, okay, but before I go, can I asked you a question?

Mochni: Sure

???: What did you think we should do about... you know

Mochni: Let me guess, you talked to one of the LLMD?

???: *Sigh* Yeah

Mochni: (Taking a sip of Jack) Damn, did you tell them anything?

???: Yes I told them

Mochni: And what did they say?

???: They're not going to do anything, as far they're concerned, Lincoln is having a happy life

Mochni: Good, I don't want any multiverse bullshit popping up

As Mochni and his friend talked, he didn't notice Sarah and Vivian listening to him. Sarah was sitting on top of Vivian as they peeked through a crack in his door

Vivian: *Whisper* What's he saying?

Sarah: *Wisher* I don't know, something about the 'Multiverse?', I don't know, but is has something to do with Master Lincoln

Vivian: *Whisper* Is he in trouble?

Sarah: *Whisper* Like I know, bu-

Mochni: What the fuck are you two doing here?

Vivian and Sarah: AHH!

Mochni appeared out of nowhere as the two girls fell backwards and on their butts

Vivian: Oww!

Mochni: What are you two doing here?!

Mochni roared as the building shook

Sarah: W-we didn't hear anything about the 'Multiverse', I swear!

Vivian: Smooth, real smooth, sis

Sarah: We're sorry, Lod Mochni! We're just wondering what you're doing

Mochni: *Sigh* Fine, come on in, and close the door behind you

The two did as Mochni instructed as they walked into his office and closed the door behind them. Mochni locked it as he sat in his chair. Looking at the two as he rubbed his temples, he took another sip of his drink and cracked his neck

Mochni: Alright, so you wanna know what's going on?

Vivian and Sarah: Y-yes, sir!

Mochni: Alright then, look at the screen behind you

Vivian and Sarah turned around to look at a large plasma TV. Mochni turned it on and there was footage of Lincoln and Zonta eating out

Vivian: A-are you spying on them?

Mochni: Yes and no

Sarah: What do you mean?

Mochni: Watch this

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