Chapter 7

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Next Week:

Lori woke up in a hospital room with several machines hooked up to her. She looked around to see Lynn, Leni, and Luna in beds next to her. She then saw them wake up and rub their heads

Luna: Aw dude, I feel like I got hit by a bus

Lynn: You're not the only one

Leni: What happened?

Lori: Where are we anyway?


Lori: Y-yeah, I guess

Misu: Yeah, that's sorta our faults

They turned to see Misu along with three others standing next to him. The first one was a purple-skinned woman wearing a white dress. Her hair was green and hung down, resembling a willow tree. The next person was a tall, very muscular man with dark blue hair in a small pony-tail and had a very dark skin tone. His eyes were just red orbs and had pale-red prayer beads around his neck. He wore a black karate-gi and was bare-foot. The final person was a little girl with butterfly wings on her back. She had a black and white dress and long, flowing, brown hair. She was barefoot and floating off the ground

Lori: M-Misu, right? Who are they?

Misu: Well they are my friends, and they made deals with your sisters here. In order, they are Kai, Akecheta, Kuwanyauma, but she prefers to go by Ku

Kai walked toward Luna

Kai: I'm sorry I had to knock you out, I needed to make sure that you weren't harmed during the merging

Luna: Merging? What are you talking about, dudette?

Kai: Well, I'll let Misu explain that

Misu: Ah yes... to simply put it, you are humans with demon powers!

All 4 of The Loud Sisters: WHAT?!

Akecheta: Quite down! Now get to the point, I already made my deal with my partner,

Lori: That reminds me, what are partners?

Misu: Ah yes, a partner is a demon assistant. So basically we'll help you, but we can't interact with the world of the living. You see, in order for you to have our powers, we had to give up our physical bodies. So you all have our powers and we'll help you train... we just can't interact with you physically

Leni: Great, this helps

Kuwanyauma: (Giggling) I would get used to it partner, as we may not be able to help you physically, we can help you spiritually

Akecheta: That is true, so when you get out of here, we'll start your training... SO WAKE UP!

His shout then caused the room to shake as the rest of the Loud family came into the room

6 Years Later:

Lori woke up to the sound of her alarm going off. She hit it and smashed it

Lori: (Tired) Damn... broke another one

Misu: Don't sweat it, you have another hundred in your closet

Lori looked over to see Misu leaning against the wall of her room with his hat hanging off his neck. She looked at him with a frown as she sighed

Lori: (Looking at her Phone) So... it's been 6 years since that day,

Misu: Yup... and I'm surprised how far you came along with your training. You can now take on a King Level Demon with difficulty, but you'll come out on top. Now get dressed, you sisters are waiting for ya

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