Chapter 6

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Lincoln opened his eyes to find himself on the front porch of his house. He slowly got up as he felt someone help him up. He turned his head to see Zonta

Lincoln: So... what now?

Zonta: To be honest, I have no idea

Zonta gave Lincoln the clothes he wore before they went back in time. Mochni walked over and helped Lincoln with his hair

Mochni: (While doing Lincoln's Hair) Perfect, now please tell me why they wouldn't care at all now, I would really like to know

Lincoln: It started a few days ago, from now at least, that my sister, Lynn, threatened me to come to her game... she lost, I was labeled as bad luck, and then I was kicked out

Zonta: (Finishing Lincoln's Hair) Damn... so wanna give a little payback?

Lincoln: How are we going to do that?

Mochni: Simple... you die

Zonta and Lincoln: WHAT!

In the house, Lori heard Lincoln shout and rushed out of bed

Mochni: Keep quiet, now you don't actually have to die, I'll just make a quick clone of yourself and I'll shoot it

Lincoln: Let me guess, you need my blood?

Mochni: (Scratching The Back of His Head) Yeah,

Lincoln: (Sticking Out His Hand) Just do it

Mochni quickly pricked Lincoln's hand as started doing some hand motions. Soon, a copy of Lincoln appeared, but it was different. Its eyes were lifeless and held no emotions

Lincoln Clone: What are your orders?

Mochni: (Pulling Out A Gun) Hold still and make a scared expression

The clone did as it was told as Zonta quickly hide Lincoln in her cloak. Mochni aimed at the clones head who had a scared expression on its face. Just as Mochni was about to pull the trigger, Lori came bursting through the door, just to shout


Lori saw the Lincoln clone get shot in the head. She watched as the Lincoln clone fell to the ground with a hole in its head. She looked on in horror as she watched Lincoln fall to the ground with a thud. Lori looked down as blood left Lincoln's head, his face with a scared expression, and his eyes... they were lifeless. She walked slowly toward Lincoln's lifeless body

Lori: L-Linc?

Lori fell to her knees as she looked down at Lincoln's body. Tears fell from her eyes as she held Lincoln's body close

Lori: Linc, p-please t-this is-n't f-funny. L-Linc? L-Lincoln? LINCOLN WAKE UP!

Inside of Zonta's cloak, Lincoln could hear her cry. It broke his heart, but he couldn't do anything... in the back of his mind, he had one thought... I'm sorry. Mochni looked as Zonta and grew wicked smile. Zonta frowned as she looked away. Mochni then laughed as the rest of the family came through the door


Luna looked at Lori, who was covered in blood. But when she looked down, she saw Lincoln's body. She back away slowly as she looked up to see Mochni holding the gun in the same position as when he shot Lincoln. Lori was balling her eyes out as she cried his name while the rest of the family looked in disbelief

Lynn: W-what h-hap-pend?

Mochni: What happened~? Let me tell ya... I SHOT HIM IS WHAT HAPPENED! HAHAHAHAHA!

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