Doing Chores

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[Written by lilmissbeaniechild]

"See? Any average human could do it with a few rubber chickens and a jumper cable!" Quote from Jackie.

If there was anything in the world that teenagers hated doing, it was work. Chores specifically. Since there was no one from the tv unit that hired a cleaning crew for the teens, it was up to them to keep the house clean-ish. Little did the producers know, that this would be one of their most funniest episodes yet.

As the days progressed, JJ was still teased with the Monsters Inc theme. Some person, who shall remain nameless, (cough cough, Echo, cough cough), decided it would be funny to borrow Jarrah's boombox and play that music from inside her closet! Least to say, JJ was in a mood.

Since there were a ton of teenagers living in the same house, it got dirty quite often, but there was a final plan for when they'd clean the house. And that day happened to be Saturday. JJ grew up in a family of six (three siblings, two parents and an assortment of pets) so she was used to the house getting dirty, she wasn't sure about the others though.

One fateful Saturday morning, the house was a total mess, and they all silently agreed that it needed cleaning.

"I don't wanna dust!" AJ whined.

"It's not a big deal." Echo rolled her eyes. "Just be happy you didn't get stuck with kitchen duty."

"Bathrooms." Jarrah scowled at the name (but even when she scowled, she was still a precious bean). "My old enemy."

"At least you guys didn't get vacuuming!" JJ exclaimed. "Back at home, I'd always be the one vacuuming because my siblings would cheat the schedule."

"You had a cleaning schedule?" Jackie asked, snickering.

"With my family, yes." JJ's face went paler than usual, and everyone stopped asking questions after that, although Sketcher really wanted to know the 'tragic' backstory. "Oof," JJ muttered, "this is going to be a lot of vacuuming."

"yeah, but at least you don't have to dust the ceiling." AJ shook his head, "that's going to suck."

"Dust the ceiling?" Everyone asked in sync.

"Well yeah," AJ looked around, "isn't that--" he caught sight of Jackie who was covering her mouth and giggling. "YOU TOLD ME WE HAD TO DO THAT!"

With AJ's funny little outburst, combined with Jackie's contagious laughter, soon everyone was laughing and doubling over. "Alright, so who's doing what?"

"I'm doing vacuuming." JJ muttered, glumly.

"Dusting." AJ grumbled.

"Bathrooms," the precious bean stated. (Lets face it, even when she's angry, she's still super precious).

"Kitchen duty." Echo sighed.

"Garbage." Jackie frowned.

"Sweeping and mopping." Sketcher loudly said, so everyone could hear, "although it should be called Sweeping and Moping."

"Ain't that the truth," someone muttered.

"Whatever," Jackie said, "let's just get these chores done so we can relax for the rest of the day."

"Let's get to work then."

As the day progressed, everyone was complaining about their chore. The world saw this through multiple confessions throughout the day. But around noon, everyone was nearing the end of their chore.

"How's everyone doing?" Jackie being (possibly, don't quote me on this) the nicest one of the all asked.

"I'm done dusting!" AJ exclaimed.

"Wait, really?" JJ asked while taking her earbuds out of her ears.

"Yes, I am!" AJ frowned. "it is the worst job in the world!"

Echo rolled her eyes, "geez, he means he's sick of it. That's why he's saying he's done."

Sketcher came in from mopping the kitchen floor, "Well duh. So am I." She made a disapproving sound somewhere between "eh" and "ugh", twisting up her face into a grimace.

"AJ, you've got to finish." JJ explained. "I hate vacuuming, but I'm still doing it."

"IF I DID THE BATHROOMS," a voice yelled from down the hall, "YOU'RE DUSTING! HOP TO IT, BUDDY."

"Jarrah's got a, rather loud, point." Jackie smiled. "I had to clean up all the garbage from around the house, I found a raccoon in our trash can."

"Really?" JJ asked, "how'd that turn out?"

"He's still there." Jackie admitted, "but he was adorable!"

"Jackie, I regret to inform you, but it's a raccoon." AJ said while looking disdainfully at the feather-duster. "How adorable can it really be?"

"Well, who knows?" Echo said, "we could always check it out?"

"You just really want to get out of kitchen duty, don't you?" Sketcher asked.

"Well don't you want to get out of sweeping and mopping?" Echo countered, playfully.

". . .you make a fine point." She admitted. "Let's check the baby raccoon out!"

"Is it a baby?" JJ winced, "because if it's a baby, wouldn't that make the mother angry?"

Jackie shrugged, "it didn't look or sound like a baby."

"Anything to get me out of dusting!" AJ threw the feather-duster as far as he could. "Let us see the raccoon."

The group of teens (and one preteen) walked out the door and down the path to find the garbage can. "Did it look mean?" Sketcher asked Jackie.

"Nope!" Jackie replied with glee. "He just looked adorable."

"I hate dusting." AJ kept muttering to Jarrah.

"Wanna trade?" Jarrah whispered back.

Meanwhile, JJ and Echo were discussing music. "Ross is my favorite." Echo told JJ.

"Cacto is mine." JJ said back to her. "He sounds like an angel that used to be a devil."

"Ross can play the guitar!"

"What about Steve?" JJ inquired.

"Eh." Echo replied.

"Here we are!" Jackie stopped them all in front of their garbage can. "He's in there!"

They all peered inside the trash bin and saw the little guy. The raccoon was sleeping soundly in the pile of garbage, it didn't look like a baby, but it definitely wasn't an adult. "He's so cute!" Sketcher squealed. "More photogenic than I am too!"

"Aw." Echo and JJ said in sync.

"It fuzzy." Jarrah replied.

"I like him better than dusting." AJ said.

"So what now?" JJ asked them.

"We can't just leave him there!" Echo explained. "Maybe we should take him in for just a little bit."

"A little while couldn't hurt." Jackie murmured. She scooped up the raccoon, who stayed sleeping in her arms (aw, how adorable) and carried him inside.

"How much dusting did you do?" Jarrah asked AJ.

"I did so much! It was unbearable!" AJ exclaimed.

"AJ you just wrote the word 'no' on every surface that has dust." JJ said pointing at a lampshade.

"It was a lot of hard work, plus I was taking a stand against the amount of labor our superiors forced upon us." AJ commented.

"It was dusting, AJ" Jarrah snidely retorted.

"What should we name the raccoon?" Echo asked.

"Hmm," Jackie murmured. "Let's figure that out. What do you guys think about. . ."

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