Discovering Fanfiction

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[Written by lilmissbeaniechild]

[1656 words]

"Cameron from TDA saying 'I'm a lone wolf, I'm the new Lightning, sha-something!' is my aesthetic." Quote from JJ

"What should we do today?" Jarrah came into the living room and asked everyone. "Because I'm bored."

"I mean, we could watch scary movies." JJ offered.

"No." they all replied, thinking back to the almost-hitting-JJ-upside-the-head-with-a-frying-pan incident.

"Well, what do you guys do for fun?" JJ huffed. "Horror movies are my favorite pass-time. When I'm sick, I especially like watching them because I know they'll be in more pain than I will."

Everyone stopped and looked at the goth teen. "What?" She asked. "It's true."

"Hey guys," AJ suddenly was staring at his (recently cracked) phone screen. "You're not going to believe what I found."

Soon, everyone was crowded around AJ's phone. "What the heck is Pattwad?" Jarrah questioned.

"It's a writing app." JJ explained. "I've often thought about getting an account because of my love for writing. But it's not usually original works, it's usually something called 'fanfiction'."

"Yeah, but what does that say?" Jackie leaned in closer to see what was on AJ's phone screen. "DH fanfiction list?"

"Discord Household fanfiction?" Sketcher whispered. "What. The. Actual..." She walked off before she finished her sentence.

"What the heck is Ajar?" Echo had taken AJ's phone and started scrolling through the list of stories. She clicked on one and it loaded up. "Oh my gosh, it's about AJ and Jarrah!"

"Oh, I see!" JJ said. "Ajar is a mixture of both of their names. But I can't believe people ship you two!"

"What does the story even start out with!" Sketcher asked, looking at the phone screen.

"Oof," AJ muttered, taking the phone (his phone) back from Echo. "It starts off like a cringe-y realistic fiction story."

"How does it start?" Cath asked.

" 'Everyone was out of the house except AJ and Jarrah. So they were alone together.'." Jackie read aloud. "Wow. How many pages of this story is there?"

"Five." Echo said, "I dunno if I can do this."

"I'll read it," JJ volunteered. " 'everyone was out of the house except AJ and Jarrah. So they were alone together. Echo was out at a Plants with Pants concert, Sketcher was out drawing in a nearby park, and,'" JJ stopped abruptly. "Ooh, listen to this."

"What?" Jarrah asked.

"It says 'and JJ and Jackie were out buying supplies for NT.'." JJ read.

"Yes that's perfect!" Jackie said.

"Alright," JJ went back to reading the cringe-y fanfiction. " 'So AJ and Jarrah were alone. They sat in the living room, next to each other on the couch. It was a Saturday so, according to JJ's childhood cleaning schedule--' hey! I did too have a cleaning schedule! And it was horrible!" JJ exclaimed. "I can't read this anymore, does anyone else want to read for a change?"

"I'll read it," Echo offered. "Where were we, '--they were supposed to be doing chores. But since everyone else was out and not doing the chores, those two decided that they weren't going to do their chores either. They were watching tv and chatting about random things, like what they were going to have for lunch. 'what should we have for lunch?' Jarrah asked AJ. 'I dunno' AJ said. 'We should go out for lunch' Jarrah said. 'Okay.' AJ said.'."

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