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I decided to just tell her that my "cousin" is really my son.

My heart is pounding wondering how she is going to react.

Is she going to breakup with me?
Is she going to tell people?
Is she going to be happy?

Ugh this is eating me alive. She called and said she was coming in 20 minutes and I am heaving mini panic attacks

The doorbell rang making my head snap to Aaron's crib and saw he was still asleep. I sighed and walked to the door and opened it seeing the beautiful face of my girlfriend

She came in wrapping her arms around my neck kissing me softly

"Hi my love" She said when she pulled away

"Hey baby girl" I said grabbing her ass

She bit her lip making me groan reaching her chin and pulled her lip from between her teeth

"Stop that or I'm going to punish you" I said and she giggled

She walked past me to the living room and sat down. I sat next to her and grabbed her waist pulling her on my lap

I pressed my lips to her lips feeling the zoo in my stomach. Our lips moved together slowly as her fingers combed my hair softly giving me chills

My baby boy started crying and she giggled pulling away, she got off my lap and sat next to me

I got up and walked to baby's room and saw him laying down crying as his face was red.

"It's ok baby I'm here" I said picking him up

He rubbed his face against my shirt and yanned and layed his small head on my shoulder. I walked out and walked into the living room

She turned around and gasped getting up walking to us

"He's to precious Gray" She said rubbing his cheek

"Wanna hold him" I asked and her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree

She nodded so I handed him to her and she held him close to her body bouncing him slightly. He layed his head down smiling and his eyes closed again

This boy.

We walked to the couches and she sat him on her lap and played with him. Both having huge smiles plastered to their faces

"Baby I have something to tell you" I said getting her attention

Aaron played with the necklace I gave her yesterday as she looked at me

"I don't know how your going to react but I can't hide this from you anymore... Aaron isn't my cousin... He's my son from a different relationship" I said and she froze, her body tensing up

Her smile faded as she zoned out thinking about something, she turned her head to look at him and he flashed a bright smile showing his his pink gums cause he doesn't have any teeth

"Why didn't you tell me before" She asked but it came out like a whisper

"I didn't want you to leave" I admitted looking down

"So if I said no to being your girlfriend you would never of told me" She asked looking at me as her voice raised

She put Aaron on the ground and he layed down playing with his feet

She stood up and walked away so I got up and chased her

"So your telling me that if I told you I had a baby not even a year old you would totally except him" I asked raising my voice too

"Grayson do you not get how I am by now? I don't care about your past cause I'm here now, I wasn't there before but I'm here now. I don't care if you have a son cause that's your life. But what I do care about is that you lied to my face everyday for three fucking months Grayson" She yelled

"First dont cuss around my son Amelia. And second it's my choice to tell people about MY son. So I decided to tell you when I thought was best for him" I said and she scoffed

"I can't deal with this right now, don't text or call me today or tomorrow" She said putting her shoes on then walked out

"Fucking shit" I yelled hitting the wall next to me

Aaron started crying making me jog to the living room, I picked him up and held him close to me. I kissed the top of his head and sat down

"It's ok bug I'm here"...

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